Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Today was a miserable day for me. Well, atleast from the start until about a couple hours ago. I was feeling rather ill for most of the day. I woke up with a sore throat. Actually, that's an understatement. It felt as though I had a golfball lodged in my throat and everytime I took a swallow it hurt so bad. Of course this was accompanyed by a headache that seemed to love the area behind my eyes and my energy level was at a level 2 (out of 10 & 10 being the highest) at best.
I was scheduled off from my full-time job and normally work my part-time job on Wednesdays but with the way I felt, I called in sick. I didn't have the chills which was good but there's nothing worse than feeling like all of your energy has been drained from you. It seemed as though it took everything in my power--little that I had--just to get up from the couch to go to the bathroom. I really felt like crap. I got some aspirin and washed them down slowly with some water. You never realize how big aspirin are until you try swallowing them whole with a really sore throat.

I figured I should try to get some vitamin C in me so I poured a glass of orange juice and sipped it slowly and then laid down to rest. When I woke up to go to the bathroom, my headache was gone but my body was alittle achy. I still felt lathargic so I took two more aspirin, went to the bathroom and returned to my warm comfy couch to lay back down. That was pretty much what my day consisted of today with the exception of dropping my two dogs (Rusty & Tutti) off to the groomer early this morning at 7:00am--which was also a miserable episode.....

Here's the scoop on that :

I've been taking my pets to the same groomer now for about six or seven years. The groomers know my pets pretty well by now. Tutti, the yorkshire terrier, is very playful and always a joy to the people who groom her. They give out report cards on how your pet does during the groom and also let you know if there are any other services that need to be performed for instance: teeth brushing, nail trim etc... Both dogs normally get good report cards after their visits although with Rusty (the toy poodle) being up in age now, he's starting to get irritable. As I've said before, he's 16 yrs. old and has arthritis in his left back leg and catarax in both eyes. His hearing isn't what it used to be either. At their last visit to the vet, I discussed with the vet, the option of having Rusty put to sleep only because I wanted to make sure that he isn't experiencing any pain or discomfort with him being so old. I want to make sure that he isn't suffering and still enjoying his life. He has good and bad days as far as his mood and playfulness. The vet gave me some medicine for his arthiritis and told me that he didn't think I needed to consider that just yet. The vet's exact words were: " Rusty still has up to a year of good quality life left." Even though that isn't a long time, it was comforting to hear that.

So anyway, back to the groomer episode.....

When I brought my dogs into the groomer, there were 3 people ahead of me. The first man had already dropped his pet off and was paying in advance and the second man had two scottish terriers. (one black and one grey) He was parked right in front of the building in a fire lane instead of in one of the many parking spaces available to the public. As the first man was heading towards the door to leave, he turned around to all of us and asked "Who's car is that double parked out here?" The man with the 2 scots said "It's mine." And the first man replied "Well you'd better be careful 'cause if the police see that they'll surely give you a ticket." With that, he smiled with a slight giggle and left. The man with the scots said "That's the third person who's said that to me now." He sounded as if he were offended or tired of hearing it. The girl sitting behind the desk registering the pets in to be groomed said " I was just gonna say that you have a nice car." As she was getting the man's paperwork together and one of the assistants came out to get his dogs, he turned to go outside to his car and get his other dog and he happened to step in one of the 4 puddles of urine that was on the floor. Of course he got even more mad from doing that. Finally, when he left, the man in line in front of me with his alaskan malamute--which by the way was a beautiful dog, got registered and of course their was somewhat of a discrepency with what he wanted done to his pet. The question was a simple one but it ended up being confusing to the girl behind the desk. The girl initiated it and then made it into a problem.....

GIRL AT DESK: "Do you want him to be groomed the same as your last visit?"
MAN: " Yes, I do."
GIRL AT DESK: " Okay, and we grinded the nails down." <-she's talking as she writes it down.
MAN: " Well, he doesn't need his nails grinded down this time."
GIRL AT DESK: "Well, you had that done last time."
MAN: " Well I don't want it done this time."
GIRL AT DESK: "You said you wanted the same groom as before."
MAN: "Yes I know but, I don't want his nails grinded. Everything else is fine."
GIRL AT DESK: " Well, that's not the same as last time though."
MAN: "Okay, I want everything the same as last time with the exception of getting his nails grinded down."
GIRL AT DESK: "But that's not the same as last time."


I'm about ready to go out of mind with the obsession of this girl to feel the need to argue with this man about whether or not his groom is the same as last time! All she had to do was take off the grinding of the nails and charge him for the groom but nooooooooooooooo she's got to argue with the customer. ( a big no-no in dealing with the public)
So, after what felt like an hour or more of standing in line--and did I mention that I'm holding my two sweet little friends in my arms the whole time?, she finally is finished "taking care of " that man and it's my turn. By now she has "an attitude" of course.....

So I step up to the desk and give her my name and the names of my pets. She asks if I want the same groom as before and I say yes. I tell her about Rusty's age and condition because I don't recognize her. I'm assuming she's new. I also tell her that the last time Rusty was irritable and they had to charge me a "handling fee" since he was hard to groom. This was all written down on his paperwork which was right in front of her. At that point, she said "Well, he's gonna have to be tranquilized by your vet before we can groom him." I told her that I discussed that with my vet already and he said that Rusty was too old to be tranq'd. It wouldn't be safe to do that to him. I told her that I'd just pay the handling fee. She seemed to be pretty persistent with the fact that he had to be tranquilized. She acted as though she didn't believe that I'd spoken to the vet about it at all. Then, she said that she'd have to call my vet because she needed papers confirming the fact that he couldn't be tranq'd. I had no problem with that. The funny thing about the whole deal was that she seemed to be getting pissed off even more because I refused to argue with her. When I got home, I called the vet just to make sure that I didn't misunderstand the information given to me from my last visit regarding Rusty being too old to be tranquilized. The vet assistant said that I understood fully and that it seems that the person at the groomer needs to get some common sense. She also said that she'd be waiting to recieve that call from the girl at the groomer.

I hadn't been sleeping for an hour and my phone rang. It was the girl from the groomer. She said that my dogs were ready but they only gave Rusty a bath because he wouldn't let them groom him. I started to ask her why if he wouldn't let them groom him, that they performed any service on him at all but I decided not to. I did however ask her how much my bill was. She said that Tutti was $30.00 and Rusty was $24.00. Of course at this point I'm staring blankly looking at the phone with my mouth wide open. Still.....I kept my cool and said I'd be right over. Before I hung up, I asked to speak with the manager. She said that the manager wouldn't be in until later.

When I got there, her (that girl) whole demeaner had changed. She was grinning and trying to be oh so "Miss Perfect " and I've got a feeling I know why......

For one thing, she mentioned that she'd called my vet and they confirmed what I'd told her already. And the other reason is that she knows she's in trouble now 'cause I'm gonna speak to the manager. I asked her when the manager would be in and she said that she wasn't sure. She then gave me a card with the manager's name and phone number on it. And believe me, I will be calling her. I'm figuring that they wanted to get me out of there before the manager showed up hoping that our little problem would be done and forgotten. Too bad for them 'cause they honestly don't know who their messin' with.....


Needless to say, after all of that I just wanted to lay down and sleep forever.....which is pretty much what I did the rest of the day. I'm happy to say that my headache has not returned. My throat feels tender. I am feeling alittle cold and the body aches are still somewhat there. I'm also still feeling physically drained but that may be from all of this typing. lol Hopefully when I wake up tomorrow, I'll be feeling better.

--But on the bright side the countdown continues :
14 more days.....

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Guess where I'm going.....


I'm enjoying another quite evening at the homestead. I may just have a glass of wine later if the mood hits me. Right now however; all that is on my mind is the countdown. That's right, as of today I'll be starting to countdown the days until I get to see U2 in concert. The concert will be at The Saavis Center in the heart of downtown St. Louis Missouri. I haven't been to a concert since 2003 and that was James Taylor's October Road Tour at the UMB Bank Pavillion in Maryland Heights Mo.--which by the way was an excellent concert. JT is great!! Going 2 years without seeing a live concert is a long time. So, as you may have guessed, I'm pretty excited!

I've always loved their music and what they stand for as a group. They're a band who've stood the test of time--and that's for sure. I'm sure they'll be promoting many of their newest releases as well as playing some of their older hits but here's a small list of some of my favorites:


That's just a few that come to mind right now. Oh yea, and as the countdown begins, I have 17 days --including today--until I'll be in musical heaven on December 14th. There's no cameras allowed so I get no pics but, I'm sure some news highlights or some gutsy fan will provide something for all to see. Well, now I think I'm gonna pour me a glass of wine and get lost in my music for awhile. Have a good nite all!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Maxin' & Relaxin'

~Background Music>>>> OutKast <<<< " The Way You Move "

* sippin' on a glass of smooth wine *

It's a nice evening tonight in St. Louis, Mo. I felt like rounding the night out on a mellow note. I haven't been feeling all that great lately. I never did get my flu shot and I've been having flu-like symptoms off and on. I'm feeling just about right at the moment though with alittle help from my glass of Lambrusco. MMMMM....and it's chilled just right, tastes so good.

I have to admit, I feel a heck of alot better than I did earlier today. I felt as though I'd been without sleep for days. I had no energy at all and the day before I experienced the chills so bad that I had to turn my heat all the way up to 80 and I was still cold. I also had the worst headache. Right now, I feel just fine. I'm assuming that it's the wine. It has that effect--that illusion of feeling good--which works for me.

So it's Saturday night and I'm relaxing at home. When I got home from work today, I was feeling so physically drained that I just passed out. When I woke up, I had to run an errand and now I'm pretty much wide awake. I've been getting a chance to watch alittle more television lately and I've seen some pretty good shows on the sci-fi channel and the health channel. I can't remember the channel numbers what with having Directv choice Premier, there's so many stations that I can't remember them all. Being that I don't get to go to the show too often, let alone rent any DVDs, I got to see the movie " Dragonfly " starring Kevin Costner. I really enjoyed that movie. At first, I thought it was gonna be another flop like his movie " Waterworld" but it turned out to be pretty good. I'd watch it a second time so that means I really liked it.

On the health channel, there was a show called trauma that focused on trauma in the ER located at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis Missouri. Of course I had to watch that since it's in my hometown. It was really interesting. One story was about a young teenager who'd been shot by a drive-by bullet in the back of his shoulder. Drive-by shootings are somewhat commonplace in some parts of the St. Louis Metropolitan area unfortunately. Apparently, the bullet had entered his back--by his shoulder--and circled around to his chest area without hitting any of his vital organs. Imagine that.....he's a very lucky young man. Another story showed a man with diabetes and his right foot was starting to turn completely black. His leg had to be amputated to the knee. He cried. It was so sad. Another story was about a man who was a barge worker on the Mississippi who had sustained a fall from the barge, hitting his head on the edge of the barge and falling into the river. He had a very large gash on his skull and some of the dirty water seeped into his head and around his brain. It's really amazing how the surgeons and nurses have to think so quickly to save lives. They make split second decisions that will decide our fate and possibly change our lives forever. That's what I call pressure. I don't know if I could handle that....

~Background Music>>> Nina Sky<<<
" Move Ya Body " -radio edit
No, you're not seeing things. I've decided that since I can't seem to put background music on my site, I'll just type in what I'm listening to once in a while. I know it's lame but least I don't screw up my template this way. Oh well.....
So, is everybody ready for Christmas???? I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet. I'm sure yesterday was the day from hell for shoppers, but mostly for the retail workers. I think I'll wait a few more days and then try to hit the stores. It really doesn't matter though. I'm sure all of the department stores and malls will be busy up until the holiday. GRRRRRRRRRRR
Holiday Bliss.....

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


This is a post from my Yahoo 360 page that I put up this
morning before going to work. I figured I'd post it
to my blogger account as well :

On this day before the traditional day of Thanksgiving--the eve -- I would like to share with you the many things that I am thankful for....
First and foremost, I thank God for blessing me to be here on this earth another year. Even though I am constantly ranting and raving about not wanting to grow old, I am happy to be here. I am thankful for my health. I'm thankful for new friends whom I've met recently and who've helped me along in my new endeavors and experiences in life. I am thankful for having 2 jobs--yes, although I work alot and having 2 jobs is a struggle with time and energy, I am thankful. They provide me a roof over my head and food on my table. As crazy as this may sound....I am thankful for those who want me to fail. Why, you ask? I'll tell you why. When I find people who want to bring me down, it only makes me try harder to succeed, that's why. I am also very, VERY thankful for learning tools and the people who share them. Thank you Michael for the smart computing tips. I read them often. You're truly a saint! I also want to thank Nick and Ray. You guys are the best! The three of you are like my internet guardian angels... I am thankful for pain and struggle, for without it I would not appreciate having good times and fun and relaxation. I am thankful for my music. It takes me to another level. I am thankful for my pc. It too takes me to another level. And last but definately not least, I am thankful for my one and only confidant: NH. Without you, I don't know where I'd be. Thanks!
Just thought I'd share some of the many things for which I am thankful. I hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 - 05:00am (PST)

Monday, November 21, 2005


To me, friends are people you can trust--depend upon, and confide in.
So, when they lie to you--laugh at you, and spread rumors,
are they your friends?
I feel that a friend will stick by you--help you in troubled times, and comfort you.
But, when you turn to them and
and they turn away....
are they your friends?
A friend will communicate with you--listen to you, and be in your defense against all enemies.
So, when they smile in your face--but throw rocks behind you
and conform with the majority of haters
are they your friends?
Friends who are true will tell you things--good or bad, and stand behind you in all of your decisions, and help you up if you fall.
But, when they only tell you what you want to hear
and avoid you when you need them most
are they your friends?
When you listen to your friends' problems and try to help them resolve them time and time again, but they never want to listen to yours--
are they your friends?
A true friend will not be ashamed of you--walk with you in the company of others who think less of you, be proud to be friends with you no matter how you look. They'll accept you for who you are and love you for being you--accept you and enjoy your company, regardless.....
Friends are hard to come by....
If you sit back and think of all of the friends you have
and find that you do truly have good friends,
you're a lucky individual.......

Friday, November 18, 2005


I need to continue working ~BUT~ I want to be rich one day
I need to lose weight ~BUT~ I want to eat fatty foods
I need to quit smoking ~BUT~ I want the nicotene
I need to get out more ~BUT~ I want to relax
I need to stop worrying ~BUT~ I want to solve my problems
I need to move ~BUT~ I want to stay where I am
I need to run ~BUT~ I want to walk
I need to be quiet ~BUT~ I want to talk
I need to play music ~BUT~ I want to sing
I need to be stingy ~BUT~ I want to share
I need more silence ~BUT~ I want to hear loud noises
I need to do right ~BUT~ I want to do wrong
I need to pray ~BUT~ I want to play
I need to laugh ~BUT~ I want to cry
I need uniformity ~BUT~ I want individualism
I need authority ~BUT~ I want to be in control
I need rules and laws ~BUT~ I want more freedoms
I need to fight ~BUT~ I want to surrender
I need to forgive ~BUT~ I want to hold grudges
I need to be free ~BUT~ I want to be captured
I need to observe ~BUT~ I want to participate
I need to listen more ~BUT~ I want to be heard
I need to slow down ~BUT~ I want to go fast
I need love ~BUT~ I want lust
I need to die ~BUT~ I want to live
I need to have patience ~BUT~ I want everything now
I need to quit writing ~BUT~ I want to continue
....And I will continue to write/post, even if it's just babbling on with a silly list of things I need and want to do. ( just something to do ) I'm that way by nature.....

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Holiday Countdown

Today is Tuesday, November 15th. The next 2 or 3 days to follow are considered the calm before the storm for me. As I've said in the past, I work in the retail meat industry and with the Thanksgiving holiday coming up in 9 more days, I will be extremely busy. Right now my main concern is just preparation. I'm making sure that there is plenty of product priced up and displayed properly for consumers to purchase. With every passing year, it seems like most people are starting to shop alittle earlier for the holidays in terms of food products. This is really a pretty smart move actually. For one thing, you avoid the holiday rush when you shop a week ahead of the holiday. You can get in and out quicker. Also, you're more likely to find everything you want when you shop earlier. When you wait until the last minute to shop for your holiday dinner, there is a larger chance that the items you're looking for may be out of stock being that there are more consumers shopping for the same items. Although the holidays can be very happy and joyous times, they can also be quite stressful. And believe me when I tell you, there are many impatient consumers during the busy holiday season. So here I sit, taking in deep breaths, exhaling slowly, and trying to prepare myself for the "holiday challenge." I've always found the end of the year to be so rushed. It seems as if Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years is kind of smashed into the end of the year. One holiday just rolls into the other leaving no breathing space in between--especially Christmas and New Years. There is somewhat of a break between Thanksgiving and Christmas, (this year 31 days) but the work doesn't stop for me. As soon as turkey day is over, there's a push for the next holiday and preparation begins for that. So all together I've got roughly about 40 days of holiday cheer and then business will die down. Generally, this is the way I view the Don't get me wrong, I still like the holiday season but I think in terms of work since that's what I primarily do during those times.

While I'm talking about the upcoming Thanksgiving Day holiday, I'd like to share something with you. Last month, I recieved a birthday card in the mail from a very good friend of mine. He always sends me a birthday card every year along with cards for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. He's a christian man and he always writes an uplifting or motivational message in each card he sends to me. This year he sent me a beautiful birthday card with a message handwritten inside however; this time the message seemed rather sad. He seems to be going through a rather rough time right now. He has a wife and a very large family. ( 10 children) He has his own business but it doesn't seem to be doing well right now. He owns a security company. I believe he's going through bankruptcy at the present time and money is pretty tight. I really feel for him. Can you imagine trying to feed 10 children in today's age. Geez!! He was on my mind all day today while I was at work. As a matter of fact, I had an idea today while working and I'm gonna do my best to make it happen. After I pay my bills for this month tomorrow, I'm going to see what I have left and try to help him out alittle. I'd like to buy him a bone-in ham and a turkey so he can have a nice holiday dinner for him and his family 'cause judging by what he wrote in the card he sent to me, it doesn't seem like he can afford to celebrate this year. All I have to do now is figure out a reason to get him to come over my house before the holiday. I'll think of something I'm sure. I know he'll appreciate it and it will make me feel so good to do something for him being that he always thinks enough of me every year to send me cards with inspirational messages inside to guide me through my path of life. To me, that's what holidays are for--sharing love with family and friends and showing them you care. Anyway, just thought I'd share that with you....Have a good nite all!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ta-Daa! 2 posts in 1 night = GEEK

Okay, I couldn't stand it anymore. I know I said I wasn't going to mess around with anything else today since it's the 13th and seeming to be a rather unlucky day for me but, I had to get my guestbook back. Even though I only have one signature in it, I just had to try and get it back on my site. I like it and I got it back. Pitiful aren't I. Now I'd better go get some sleep and hopefully conjure up some sort of dream to help me finish reconstructing my site. Guess I need to get a life, huh? What can I say? I love my site. Somebody's got to, right??? G-nite peeps.....

P.S. just a note. I've finally recieved 1,000 hits according to my sitemeter!! WOO-HOO!!


Today has been pretty challenging for me. If you're a regular viewer of my site, you probably notice a few things missing. It all started earlier this morning. I was trying to put some background music on my site....yes, AGAIN...and after I put the HTML code into my template, I looked at my site and of course it didn't work, AGAIN. So, I went back to my template and deleted it. Well apparently, when I deleted the code I also took a few other items that I shouldn't have. I didn't realize it until I opened my page and it was no longer black. OMG....I was in shock! My page was white and I couldn't figure out why. I started trying anything just to get my black template back. Finally I had to choose a new template but when you do that, you lose alot of your stuff. I didn't realize this and I panicked and clicked on clear edits by mistake. All of my links were gone.....I lost everything!! I was so upset. I lost every link to every blog I enjoyed reading and my sitemeter. I also lost my flickr badge and my weatherpixie. Everything vanished. I guess that's what I get for messing around with stuff I know nothing about.
There are some links that I will not be able to recover and that's sad. I simply can't remember the urls to them all and some were just blogs I stumbled upon and decided to link because they were interesting. I have been able to recover some links through other blogs and through searches on blogger. It's gonna take me some time to get things back to normal on here. One thing's for sure....from hence forth now, I give up on putting music on my website. I love music but I just can't seem to figure out how to do this without messing everything else up on here. I hate to say it but I simply wash my hands of it.
I'm hoping that as I reconstruct my site, I'll be able to improve it as well. Oh yea, I almost forgot--I also lost my latest item. MY GUESTBOOK!! I'm really disgusted about that. I hope I can get it back. I'm doing the best I can and that's all I can do. So anyway, that's what's going on in my world today. I hope everyone is having a better day than I am. It may not be a Friday but it sure is the 13th. Bad Luck for me, huh......Atleast there was one highlight for me today. I got to talk on the phone with a friend I haven't heard from in awhile. He always makes me smile and for that I say : THANKS!! You're a good friend.....Well, wish me luck everybody. Maybe I should wait until another day(other than the 13th) to fix my site. LOL

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Here's something that's been on my mind for quite awhile and being that I just stumbled upon a story about it, I'd like to address it. I'll start with a few statements that I'm sure everyone can agree with : All generations are quite different. The gaps are very wide and 90% of the time, each generation finds fault with or defies the other. Now.... that's only the beginning. My main interests or issues for discussion are about these 4 generations:

  1. THE SILENT GENERATION (1925-1942)
  2. THE BABY BOOMERS (1943-1960)
  3. GENERATION X (1961-1981)

** Please note that these dates may not be accurate. At present time, they are disputed**--referenced through Wikipedia

Okay, I've always considered myself a "late" baby boomer but according to the dates shown, I'm considered a generation X-er however; that's neither here nor there at the moment. The issues that I'm wanting to address, have to do with the differences between generations involving work ethic, financial securities, independence, and attitudes in general....But first, here's a brief synopsis of each generation:

Let's begin with the* THE SILENT GENERATION*.... This generation somewhat sandwiched between the GI generation(1901-1924) and the baby boomers, lived their childhood during The Depression era and WWII. They mentored the "Conciousness Revolution" being the founders of organizations of political dissent which the baby boomers would later radicalize. Being too young for involvement in WWII, they were veterans of the Korean War. Many of them becoming independent and marrying early on in life. They seemed to be pretty much structured, although they had little to say. Somewhat loners so to speak. As retirement age is upon them, they've laid the ground work for the next generation:** THE BABY BOOMERS**.....Although the definition of a baby boomer (according to reference) is someone born in a period of increased birthrates, demographers have set the birth years for this generation at 1946-1964 even though the U.S. birth rate began to decline after 1957. This generation was host to The Vietnam War era. Many having served in the war as well as opposing it. Generally referred to as " radicals ," they were leaders in protests and constantly prone to questioning "the establishment " often risking imprisonment. Although the baby boomers' contributions to technology are not quite as grand as those of our younger counterparts, they have had crucial roles in developing the American technology and finance industries dominating the US economy today as well as popularizing the growth of consumer goods and marketing developement and sale. Along with the youngest of the silent generation, the oldest baby boomers are approaching retirement age as well.--Which means that we are in the process of experiencing the largest senior citizen population of our time. Moving on, we cross over to the beginning of a new world:


The birthdate of this generation is highly disputed. Again, I can only go by reference. Generally, this term is associated with persons born between 1961-1981 although demographically speaking; gen X'ers are referred to as being born in the 1960's and 1970's. And on another platform, there are some older generation X'ers who are less than enchanted with those who are born in 1980 and 1981. It is their belief that gen X'ers are born between 1964 and the mid to late 70's. There is of course a sluh of arguements as to the beginning and ending dates for this generation but I don't feel the need to go into that. I will say that this disputed issue is just the start of many--or the "snowball effect" of how this particular generation operates. (the debating generation) Actually, the gen X'ers are mere "door openers" for our future speakers--which I'll ellaborate on in a bit. With great respect to the prior generations, gen X'ers have seen there fair share of struggle and changes in our history. From " hippie culture " and Civil Rights movements, to space shuttle explosions, political corruption and the big disease with the little name. (AIDS) They've had a full menu. And as our lives flourish, the next generation arrives:


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the dispute continues over starting dates so I'll go with the demographics aspect. (ie: start dates range from 1977-1985 and end dates range from 1984-2002) This makes only 9 years (1985-1994) out of the maximum 25 year threshold (1977-2002) definately Generation Y. This generation was the first to grow up with the internet in a developed, prolific form-- (ie. : music downloads, instant messaging, cellular phones)-- which came to fruition in 1997. In other words; they're considered to be the " Techno-saavy " generation. You will also find this generation extremely tollerable to multiculturalism and internationalism. Race relations are on the rise and the positive results show by the wide range of friends and dating outside their race or ethnic group. Unfortunately, the growing trend of interracial relationships is sometimes a source of negative friction between youth and their parents or elders, who grew up in a society where interracial romance was once considered extremely taboo and even banned in a number of states until the late 1960's. The presidential election in 2004 was the first election where generation Y was able to vote in large numbers, John Kerry recieved most of the votes. As with previous generations, many problems began to surface as generation Y came of age.....underage drinking is prevalent as is drug usage.

So, now that we have a brief summary on these 4 generations, let's get to the heart of matters.....

As you can see, each generation has it's share of differences but, they also tend to flow into one another at the end. Each one making a trail for the next to follow....and so on...Although the outcome may be reached in various ways. Still history has it's way of repeating itself to a degree. I'm sure you're wondering by now what the hell I'm trying to say. Well, let me start by saying that frankly, I'm pretty much fed up with they younger generation and that includes those in my own generation as well. I understand that we're all individuals and have our own beliefs, morals and priorities in life but some of us just don't get it....AT ALL!!! Looking back at the silent generation what with their upbringing and making due during very troubled times, molded them into structured, highly respectful, hardworking and understandably humble individuals. They appreciate more and take nothing for granted. A very noble generation full of wisdom--in my eyes. The baby boomers--often defined as being raised in family units comparable to 'Father Knows Best' or 'Leave it to Beaver', were also taught respect and good morals. The majority being structured individuals and possesing a good work ethic similar to that of their elders. Of course the drug scene was alive and well in it's debut but there were still those who were able to shy away from that side of the spectrum staying focused enough to build a stable life. There were many defining moments during this generation in music and in lifestyle as well as events including Vietnam and Woodstock. Their impact on the economy presently is about 75 million....Technically, they are the economy....

And the world turns alittle faster as it embraces....


Here's where the trouble starts. (My generation, of course...) The more things change, the more they stay the same...well, sometimes..... Often referred to as " the lackadaisical generation," one of many stereotypes, this generation was brought up on television, Atari 2600s and personal computers. We grew up in the 'me' generation of the 80's and finally realized that it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Some of us were lucky enough to be raised by two parents in a close knit, well rounded family unit while others didn't have that luxury. This is also a generation of "babies having babies" in mass amounts. With that being said, it also represents a time when parenting skills are severely needed. It's hard to teach a child when you're just a "child" yourself, somewhat. For some of us, organization and structure is a way of life and for others, it's a path unchosen. Financial security is a mandatory issue for your future. Unfortunately there are some in this generation who don't feel it necessary to give this any thought at all. Although I've painted a rather grim outlook for this generation, there are many positives. I'm only speaking negatives in a low percentile. In the workforce, gen x'ers have to work twice as hard as the baby boomers in order to prove themselves due to downsizing--by boomers of course. Generation X is more environmentally concious than previous generations. They care about the future of the earth and environment...also, they're very health concious as well. Eating healthy and excercising go hand in hand for these individuals. All in all, the majority of this generation is intellectual and hard working. There is a " small crop " in need of attitude adjustment but that's to be expected.....

And now, without further adieu

the newest crop of the future:


Ahh yes, the newest generation--well, technically the newest of the new generation is generation Z but they're still too young to have opinions formed as to their way of living. So anyway, the gen y'ers are children of the baby boomers--being the largest demographic grouping since the baby boom population, they're also known as the "Echo (Boom) generation." Even though this generation has a style all their own, they do tend to fall back in time with some popular 60's and 70's fashions. (platform shoes/blast from the past) Not to fret....they aren't lingering, trust me. I've seen some fashion statements that would make one turn their head in "excorcist style." Being that the gen y'ers are unfolding before our eyes, I want to address a recent news story I read concerning their arrival in the work force. As they enter into a multi-generational workplace, gen y'ers want to work but they don't want work to be their life. In other words, they want the freedom to work a selective schedule--which I suppose works out fine if you work from your home or have your own business. It's rather hard to do however; if you work in an office for a company or work as a laborer of some sort. They seem to want to be as laid back as possible whether they choose to work while listening to their iPods, wearing flip-flops to the office, or working in their pajamas at home. As this age group moves into the workforce during a major demograpic change, you see 60 year olds working beside 20 year olds. College graduates overseeing employees old enough to be their parents. Uncomfortable? Yes, sometimes....well, most of the time-- but this the future. This is the way it is, like it or not." Generation Y is much less likely to respond to the traditional command-and-control type of management still popular in much of today's workforce."-quoted by a managerial science professor in New York." They've grown up questioning their parents, and now they're questioning their employers. They don't know how to shut up, which is great, but that's aggravating to the 50-year-old manager who says, 'Do it and do it now.' " he says. Earlier in this post, I mentioned the gen x'ers being "door openers" for our future speakers. This is what I was referring to. The gen y'ers have that "speak your mind" philosophy--which is good sometimes but also it can be over-used. In my opinion a person can always learn more...even if you do have a degree. When you're working with someone who has more experience than you, you should listen to them-- whether they're a co-worker, or an employee under your supervision and of course if they're your boss. As I type this, I feel how sensitive a subject this is with me. I've experienced this scenario very often in my life. I'm not knocking this generations' enthusiasm, I'm just saying that they need to stop and think about this. Generation Y was born into the pc world. They're very independent and Tech saavy. Thank goodness they have an interest in retirement plans....which is more than I can say for my generation. Some gen y'ers already having spoken to financial planners by age 23. They are an age of multi-taskers and said to be like Generation X on steriods. They are our future.

And so, such is life.....

That's pretty much what's been on my mind folks!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

You have achieved maximum weirdness when......

You Are 60% Weird

You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?

But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks!

P.S. Thanks green for reminding me......he he

Friday, November 04, 2005


As teardrops form inside her eyes
And slowly stream down upon her cheeks
She feels the sense of giving up
Life seems to be so incomplete

Gazing back into the past
Rewinding all the years
Lost forever in misspent youth
The future of her fears

And in the present time she seeks
A necessary mending
A time to change the path she travels
Another new beginning

With faith and hope as banisters
She climbs the steps of life
Attempting not to lose her grip
While others jeer in strife

Her concentration must not falter
Regardless of what others may see
To continue on in self-progression
Positive spirit is key

And those judging and wishing misfortune upon her
Should hide their faces in shame
For one day good luck may turn against them
And their lives never be the same

Never wish anyone unhappiness
That's not the thing to do
Even though they kick you when you're down
Showing little regard for you

Rise up, move on and know
that you're doing your best and so
No matter what they say or think
You'll continue on and grow

by: Zepplinlady 11/04/05
Why did I write this poem?
  1. I feel I need some positive re-enforcement in my life. I need to gain strength and motivation and be driven to keep pressing on.
  2. I need to stop worrying about what other people think. They aren't living my life, I am. I need to stop giving them power over me.
  3. I need to regain my self-worth. I have had low self esteem and I need to change that.
  4. I realize (for the first time) that I need to be serious in making a life change for the better.
  5. I'll be a better person from doing this. My health depends upon it. I want to enjoy life after retirement.

And those are the reasons, pure and simple....

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Verdict

Okay, here's the news regarding my citation from the forestry division:

I made the call at 8:00am sharp this morning before going to work. I spoke with the man in charge and after he gathered the necessary information from me, he came to the conclusion that they had sent the letter to the wrong address. He apologized for any inconvenience this may have caused me and sent me on my merry little way--That's the good news....

The bad news is that I cut down all of my pompas grass plants in fear of being fined....Oh well. I would've been cutting them down in 3 months anyway. They'll be alright 'cause they're pretty hardy.

As for my "little house guest".......
I honestly couldn't tell you what happened to him/her. I've looked high and low with no luck. I'm assuming that the mouse ate the poisoning and exited the premises. (hopefully) I'm going to leave the de-con food down just in case if he/she comes back or there are more visits from others. I've never had a mouse problem before and I've been living here for about 12 years but there's a first time for everything so, I'll leave them down. I just have to remember not to let Louie (my cat) come downstairs. I'd simply die if he got ahold to that poison. After this winter passes, I'll remove all of the de-con so Louie can roam the house again.--Sorry Lou.....
My day today was pretty nice. I had a short day at work because it's right before the start of the holiday shopping--grocery shopping that is, and I'm off work tomorrow. (from both jobs YIPPEE) So, I'm looking forward to that. Last night, I had a nice conversation with my new friend "g" and afterward, I read chapter seven from a novella written by "P T " and then, I went to bed--although I had the strangest dream. Actually it was borderline to being a nightmare. The funny thing is that when I woke up from this dream/nightmare, I went to the restroom and returned to bed, only to continue on with it.....Had it of been a nice dream, I wouldn't have been able to finish it but since it was sort-of a nightmare, it went on and on until it was time for me to get up this morning. I hate it when that happens.....thank goodness it was just a dream. I know what triggered my having this nightmare. The other day, I was having a discussion with a few co-workers about scary movies. We were just talking about how the new horror films just don't seem as scary as the older ones did. Being that just about everything has been done as far as" scary things" are concerned, it leaves little or no room for much of anything else. I mean, you can only see someone possessed or being killed or tortured so many times and then it's no longer scary, right? Okay, I'm laughing now because it must still be scaring me since this conversation with my co-workers was in my sub-conscious mind enough to make me have a scary dream. Hmmmm....maybe I should find out what this dream actually meant. Then again, maybe I shouldn't......

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A couple updates...

I have a couple updates today:

  1. I called the forestry division today around 3:30pm. I spoke with a woman (violation clerk) and she is saying that the address that she has in front of her isn't the same as the address that I recited to her. (my address) So, she has instructed me to call back tomorrow morning between 8 and 8:30am and speak with the person in charge--which I will do.
  2. As far as my "little house guest" is concerned, (the mouse--remember?) I haven't seen or heard him. I guess the decon poisoning worked. Now It's just a matter of finding him.....yuk

That is all.....