Friday, November 18, 2005


I need to continue working ~BUT~ I want to be rich one day
I need to lose weight ~BUT~ I want to eat fatty foods
I need to quit smoking ~BUT~ I want the nicotene
I need to get out more ~BUT~ I want to relax
I need to stop worrying ~BUT~ I want to solve my problems
I need to move ~BUT~ I want to stay where I am
I need to run ~BUT~ I want to walk
I need to be quiet ~BUT~ I want to talk
I need to play music ~BUT~ I want to sing
I need to be stingy ~BUT~ I want to share
I need more silence ~BUT~ I want to hear loud noises
I need to do right ~BUT~ I want to do wrong
I need to pray ~BUT~ I want to play
I need to laugh ~BUT~ I want to cry
I need uniformity ~BUT~ I want individualism
I need authority ~BUT~ I want to be in control
I need rules and laws ~BUT~ I want more freedoms
I need to fight ~BUT~ I want to surrender
I need to forgive ~BUT~ I want to hold grudges
I need to be free ~BUT~ I want to be captured
I need to observe ~BUT~ I want to participate
I need to listen more ~BUT~ I want to be heard
I need to slow down ~BUT~ I want to go fast
I need love ~BUT~ I want lust
I need to die ~BUT~ I want to live
I need to have patience ~BUT~ I want everything now
I need to quit writing ~BUT~ I want to continue
....And I will continue to write/post, even if it's just babbling on with a silly list of things I need and want to do. ( just something to do ) I'm that way by nature.....


Blogger DREAMER said...

......I go to the gym alot....yet I find myself eating fast food somtimez...........such a battle for me.

1:12 AM, November 20, 2005  

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