Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Verdict

Okay, here's the news regarding my citation from the forestry division:

I made the call at 8:00am sharp this morning before going to work. I spoke with the man in charge and after he gathered the necessary information from me, he came to the conclusion that they had sent the letter to the wrong address. He apologized for any inconvenience this may have caused me and sent me on my merry little way--That's the good news....

The bad news is that I cut down all of my pompas grass plants in fear of being fined....Oh well. I would've been cutting them down in 3 months anyway. They'll be alright 'cause they're pretty hardy.

As for my "little house guest".......
I honestly couldn't tell you what happened to him/her. I've looked high and low with no luck. I'm assuming that the mouse ate the poisoning and exited the premises. (hopefully) I'm going to leave the de-con food down just in case if he/she comes back or there are more visits from others. I've never had a mouse problem before and I've been living here for about 12 years but there's a first time for everything so, I'll leave them down. I just have to remember not to let Louie (my cat) come downstairs. I'd simply die if he got ahold to that poison. After this winter passes, I'll remove all of the de-con so Louie can roam the house again.--Sorry Lou.....
My day today was pretty nice. I had a short day at work because it's right before the start of the holiday shopping--grocery shopping that is, and I'm off work tomorrow. (from both jobs YIPPEE) So, I'm looking forward to that. Last night, I had a nice conversation with my new friend "g" and afterward, I read chapter seven from a novella written by "P T " and then, I went to bed--although I had the strangest dream. Actually it was borderline to being a nightmare. The funny thing is that when I woke up from this dream/nightmare, I went to the restroom and returned to bed, only to continue on with it.....Had it of been a nice dream, I wouldn't have been able to finish it but since it was sort-of a nightmare, it went on and on until it was time for me to get up this morning. I hate it when that happens.....thank goodness it was just a dream. I know what triggered my having this nightmare. The other day, I was having a discussion with a few co-workers about scary movies. We were just talking about how the new horror films just don't seem as scary as the older ones did. Being that just about everything has been done as far as" scary things" are concerned, it leaves little or no room for much of anything else. I mean, you can only see someone possessed or being killed or tortured so many times and then it's no longer scary, right? Okay, I'm laughing now because it must still be scaring me since this conversation with my co-workers was in my sub-conscious mind enough to make me have a scary dream. Hmmmm....maybe I should find out what this dream actually meant. Then again, maybe I shouldn't......


Blogger Tim said...


Glad to hear you've been excused from any wrongdoing. Too bad about your plants, though. Better to be safe than sorry, though.

I hate dreams like that... Every now and then I have the exact same dream, and it's always bad and it always ends the same.

I've never been into scary movies, but my favorite was the Nightmare on Elm Street films, with the exception of the second one, which was the worst of the series.

10:03 PM, November 02, 2005  
Blogger DREAMER said...

.......I love dreams.....especially if you control them during.......weird I know, but did it as a kid alot.

10:42 PM, November 02, 2005  
Blogger DREAMER said...

I wanted to be Freddy....but this past years excessive weight training has over bulked me for the slim Freddy.....I alwayz wanted to be Freddy Krueger too......sad. But i'm also a Jason Junkie...he hehe...hence my photo on blog.........gotta love Halloween right?!

9:08 PM, November 04, 2005  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

I've had continuous dreams in my life before...strange feeling to say the least. Nightmare on Elm Street always made me think twice about going to sleep. LOL

I used to be able to control my dreams as child as well. I guess it's one of those things that kids can do.
My sister was Jason one year. Her version:just the mask. And regular clothes.(not scary, sucked actually) and I told her so...

8:34 AM, November 05, 2005  

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