Saturday, October 29, 2005

Well here's another fine mess....

Check this out. I recieved this letter in the mail on Friday. Frankly, I'm shocked. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the forrestry division was referring to when they mentioned--growth of vegetation over (7) inches AND/OR the accumulation of debris. I have 8 rosebushes surrounding my house from front to back as well as a rockgarden but, all of the plants are little(with the exception of the rose bushes) and barely visible. I have pompas grass plants along the side of my house--which are rather tall--but come on....that's the way pompas grass is supposed to be. I've had these plants for at least 5 years with no problems. No one has ever complained about it. In fact my neighbors that are right next to the pompas grass plants love them because they serve as a source of privacy and shade.

Also, you'll notice that it states(on the letter) that the violation of Ordinance 59860 cited:
Let me break it down for you...
There is a cemetery--actually, there a few in my neighborhood. The particular one in which they(the forrestry division) are referring to, is across the street and behind the houses that face my house across the street. In other words, how in the hell am I along the cemetery line???
Personally, I feel that they have the wrong address. I will be calling that number to find out more about this issue; however I decided to cut down the pompas grass Saturday just in case. I'm really not supposed to cut it down until late Jan. or Feb. but I don't want to be fined so....
I also want to say that I've never had anyone complain on me for anything before. I'm a pretty decent neighbor to live next door to. I wonder who complained about this--if in fact it is not a mistake. I did notice that a police officer has moved on to my block which is good because now there are 2 police officers living on my block. I was just wondering though, if he made this call. Perhaps he doesn't know about pompas grass plants. I shouldn't make assumptions though. I will indeed find out more on this. I assure you of that.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Outsiders

'Evening all. Tonight I'd like to talk about drifters. The people that you see aimlessly wandering the streets of your neighborhood. I'm sure there are many of you who never see anything like this in your neck of the woods, but it's a normal occurence in the area I live in. Not that I live in a slummy area or poor community it's just that there are a few people that I notice on a weekly basis, who walk the streets or hang out at bus depots. Their faces seem to want to tell a story. There are 3 people--all of them men--who stand out or come to mind while I'm typing this post. The first one, I'll call him Ralph being I don't actually know his name. Ralph is somewhat of an average-sized caucasian man standing around 5'10" tall. He looks to be in his mid 40's although he may be younger and just aging dramatically due to the way in which he lives. His hair is just touching his shoulders, thinning, baby fine and balding. He's not what you'd call an obese person but he does have a pretty big stomach--normally semi-hanging out from under his shirt. Really, his stomach is the only large part on him. He normally wears a T-shirt of some kind and a pair of jeans with white socks (not always clean) and tennis shoes. --I'd like to add that he's recently updated his apparel donning new tennis shoes and denim jeans--he's still sporting the same shirts though. Anyway, Ralph can be seen walking at any hour of the day or night. I swear this man walks more miles than I drive in a day; or so it seems. You're liable to see Ralph just about anywhere and of course the rumor mill is that he is alittle off in the brain and comes from a wealthy family but I'm not too sure about that. I do know that he loves to drink his soda. Just about everytime I see him, he has a large fountain soda from someplace or another in his hand. I often wonder what a day in his life is like. What he does all day, where he comes from, what brought him to this point in his life....
The next individual --I refer to him as bobble-head. Okay, I know what you're thinking...not very nice, right? Well, the only reason I refer to him like that is because when he walks, he has a tendancy to sway his head from shoulder to shoulder while keeping his face facing forward in the direction he's walking in.(just reminds me of a bobble head) So, as I was saying, Bobble-head is caucasian with light brown hair--thick and coarse-like but balding and short cut to his earlobes. He's about 5' 6" tall and has a medium build. He looks to be about in his mid to late 30's--again, I'm not sure. His clothes are much neater and he seems to be rather clean. He too wears bluejeans and shirts(polo shirts) and his tennis shoes are always clean. I don't know really if he qualifies as being a "drifter" but he walks everywhere. Just as Ralph does, Bobble-head always has a soda in his hand. I didn't mention this earlier but Ralph has a steady-slow off beat walk. Bobble-head, on the other hand, has a fast-paced brisk walk. Every step is right on time--and that heads -a-swayin'. He also has the nerve to switch. Yea, he switches his butt as he walks guys...I'm just wonderin'....Not that it matters, it's just an observation. Although I don't seem to see him walking quite as often as I do Ralph, I do notice that he travels long distances. He may be using public transportation--I'm not sure but there have been instances where I could be 30 or more miles away from where I normally see him walking and I happen to see him casually walking, swayin' and switchin'. He seems to be a carefree guy always wearing a slight grin or smile on his face. Ralph seems to be more serious-looking, only smiling on occasion. I often wonder what's on bobble-heads' mind that causes him to smile all the time. It may just be a part of his demeanor, the way he carries himself, I guess....
The last individual is an older gentleman. I'll call him Zeke. Actually, I just noticed Zeke about 2 months ago. He normally hangs around convenience store parking lots. He just sits. I never see him walking. He just sits and drinks what looks to be either coffee or soda. I'm not sure but that's about all he ever does all day and night. He's also caucasian with white-gray hair and whiskers on his face.I'm not sure about his height being that I only see him sitting all the time. He looks like he's about 60 years old.(may be older) He wears worn out jeans and a red flannel shirt or jacket. I don't remember what kind of shoes he wears. I noticed him sitting for several days in the same spot and then I wouldn't see him for about 4 or 5 days, and then he would appear again. I haven't seen him now for about a week. I wonder what happened in his life. His eyes seem so very deep in thought. I bet he's seen alot in his life......

These 3 men, whom I'm not sure have ever met or know each other, share a common dismal life on the streets of my neighborhood. It seems to me to be a hard life, but who's to say? This may very well be what they want to do with themselves. I can't speak for them. I just can't help but wonder if this is how they've lived their whole lives. I wonder what their upbringing was really like. I guess I'll never know.
These 3 men are not the only people or "drifters" I've noticed. There are many more, especially around the bus depots. As time goes on I'm beginning to notice more and more people outside.--And winter's coming......makes me sad.

This is proof of what is happening to our world. The economy, the classes(no middle class anymore) the masses--our society, people on the street--it shouldn't be like this...future's not lookin' too bright anymore. Take off your shades GWB.......

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Another battle lost

Bet you're all wondering what I'm doing up at 1:45 in the morning especially since I'm supossed to be getting up for work in - say about 2 more hours, right? *sigh* Well, I couldn't sleep. I tried but just couldn't seem to get into that comfortable zone and ease into that drone-like state. It all stems from yesterday after work, of course. As you know from yesterday's post, I had a pretty busy day and even though I got home from work at about 1:30, (with oodles of daytime left) I grabbed a bite to eat and well, passed out. I was whooped. I must have been pretty out of it because when I finally did wake up--yea, you guessed it-- at 6pm. I still had my cell phone in my hand. I must've fallen asleep while trying to set the alarm on it.

Now that's pretty sad....I mean, I'm either working
way too much, or I'm just becoming way too lazy. hehe
Either way, I lose out again because my "little nap" turned into another comatose sleep which is why I'm now wide awake. I also missed out on going to the gym...AGAIN, never fails....
So, as I was saying, when I finally did awaken from what seemed to be one of the most sound naps I've had in a very long while, I decided to make a run to the corner store and pick up some things for Tuesday's dinner. I'm trying to start cooking more often 'cause fastfood is killing my health not to mention my pocketbook. I'm making a chuck roast and I needed to get my little essentials: celery, potatoes, carrots, greenpepper, onion, get the picture. MMMMMM MMMMMMM good! I cut up all of the veggies and cut up the roast and browned it and put it on a low 250 degrees last night around 8pm. I'll turn it off and put it in the fridge this morning before leaving for work and when I get home I'll put it back on. It's gonna be so good!--much more tasty than a hamburger or taco or any of that artery clogging, greasy fast food.
It's funny, I remember as I was getting up just a few minutes ago to get online, I was kind of in a light dream-like state because I seemed to be having somewhat of a nightmare. I was dreaming of --what seemed to be like-- Evilness. I mean like being possesed or haunted or something of that nature....And no, this has nothing to do with the fact that Halloween is right around the corner, or that I live across from a cemetary, or that my house is haunted. There is one thing that scared the heck out of me though. You see, where I live, there is an alleyway behind my house with dumpsters for trash pick up.( city- living...ewwwwww) Anyway, as I was leaving for work yesterday morning, I saw a really big racoon exiting the dumpster right behind my house.
He scared the crap out of me!!! And to make matters even worse,
last night I think I saw a mouse in my livingroom!! This is most
likely happening since the weather is cooling and he's probably
looking for someplace warm to stay. Also the dumpsters don't
help the situation. So, you know what's happening later today,
right? I'm gonna buy some traps and poison cause I definately
can't live with a mouse. I might just have to let my cat, Louie
stay down here(downstairs) with me more often as well.
Well, I think I'm gonna try and lay back down just to rest my eyes. I still have around an hour before it's time to get ready for work. Boy oh boy, I've got to get back on track here......Days are for being awake and nights are for sleeping, I think......

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Sunday Daze.....

Today was a somewhat odd day for me. I can't really put my finger on it but it's just been a strange one. For one thing, the weather's been gloomy which is totally natural for this time of year in St. Louis. The sun did come out now and again, but not for too long. I'm sure it's also partly a result of hurricane Wilma's wrath. I hope this one isn't as devastating as Katrina was. I also was feeling rather lathargic even though I got to sleep in this morning, as opposed to waking up at the crack of dawn, as I normally do for work. Who knows. So anyway, I decided to take a chance and call one of my beauticians (yes, I have a couple) today to see if she could fit me into her busy schedule on such short notice. Lucky for me, she had a cancellation so I was able to get a much needed facial wax -- eybrows etc.... and a haircut to boot! Now I can stretch out for a few more weeks until it's time for a touch up of color (yea, I hate gray hair) and if I choose, another dash of highlights.

I will say this....I'm never going to wait as long as I have to get my facial wax again. Let's just say that my threshold of pain is very low. A couple times, I thought she took my upper lip off with the wax! Oh me oh my!! I'm glad that's over.
So, I'm on my way home from the salon and I start thinking about dinner. I had some beef cube steaks in the fridge already, so it was just a matter of picking up a few side items to fix. I wanted to make something quick so I opted for macaroni -n- cheese and greenbean casserole. Not the best choices but it was okay for me. I'm not too picky. Actually it wasn't that bad of a combination.

Now I'm sippin' on a diet coke and trying to talk myself into packing my totebag for the gym. Being that I get up super early tomorrow for work, I know I won't have time to pack it in the morning. And since I've really been lagging off here lately--rarely working out, I really need to get back into it. I know I'm going to be drop dead tired after work tomorrow because it's Monday. If you know anything at all about the retail business, Mondays' are normally the start of a new ad which can be rather hectic. That's why I have an early start on Mondays. I normally take a nap after work on Mondays because of the work load. The only problem with that is, I wind up sleeping too long. A one or two hour nap turns into four hours. I guess I'll just have to try to go to the gym instead of taking that long nap tomorrow. Easier said than done though...

The World Series is on television and I'm tempted to watch the whole game but if I do that, I'll definately have trouble waking up in the morning and be too pooped to pop after work. It's the third inning and Houston and Chicago are tied 2 -2. What's a girl to do????

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Road Rage or Show of Shows.....

Okay, I've made up my mind that the majority of today's motorists--young, old, and all ages in between, are 100% tried and true, naturally and unequivocally totally screwed up!! That is, the motorists who drive(if you wanna call it that) here in St. Louis Missouri. And that statement is especially directed to "THE RICHEES"...otherwise known as the people who could give a rat's a*s about anyone but themselves. Those self-centered, egotistical, --'It's all about me; ME ME ME'," me first," important ignorant fools (for lack of a better word) and quoting the artist, Prince referring to some of them as: "The Beautiful Ones." I'm talking about the wonderful wealthy. If in fact I'm sounding alittle bitter....I am. When I'm driving on the road or highway, I'm sharing the roadway with all other drivers. I don't own the road. No one does. This includes the RICHEES. Here's a perfect example:

Today I was driving in a well to do area in West County. The police are normally patrolling the area looking for speeders so naturally I'm doing the speed limit. The passing drivers are mostly rich or well off. In other words, you very rarely see any raggedy vehicles in this area. So here I am, just cruising along and listening to my radio--the entrance to the highway is straight ahead and I'm in the correct lane for it. All of a sudden, I see this white Cadillac Escalade barging over in front of me. Of course the driver, some rich woman, chose to do this without any warning at all. WHAT'S WRONG BI*CH, ARE YOUR BLINKERS BROKEN??? --I wanted to say. I knew that wasn't the case being that the SUV was brand new. This seems to be a pretty frequent occurrence( for me at least.) Oddly enough, the same thing happened to me a few days earlier.(in the same damn neighborhood) Only this time, I fought back. Yes...I had to clown. I became one of those infamous road rage drivers. I guess I was just caught at the wrong time. I had been very stressed that particular day and I wasn't taking any crap from anyone. So, this Ms. Thang decided that she was gonna cut me off since she had a truck full of people <--her audience, and you know that the road we were driving on was owned by her. I mean, she's among the rich so it must belong to her, right? Anyway, again without any warning--not a blinker the first,( as my aunt would say) she starts coming into the lane I'm in as if I'm not even there. It almost seemed as though she were trying to either run me off the road or become one with my SUV....PALEASE! I automatically blew the horn at her. As a matter of fact, I kept my hand on the horn as I put my foot on the gas pedal and kept right on driving in the lane as if to say, B**CH HAVE YOU LOST YOUR F**KIN' MIND???? I had a curb to contend with on my side of the street, but I had a few inches to play with so, I was like--you wanna drive? DRIVE THEN DAMMIT!! 'cause you're gonna either hit another vehicle to your right or hit me before I let you over here!! All this and I never once made eye contact with her. I had a passenger riding with me and he was a nervous wreck. (sorry 'bout that) He kept mumbling , "just let her go, just let her get in front of you." But that was not in the equation baby...No way. I made that clear as we came to the final stoplight before entering the highway. She was sitting behind me with all of her windows down as I was yelling at the top of my lungs: F**CK HER!! WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?? Soooooo, the light turns green and needless to say, she was eatin' my behind...all the way to the highway, on the highway, and up until her exit came up. Yep, you messed with the wrong lady today...BEOTCH!!!!

I know, you're all thinking: Dayum!, don't you think you're being alittle bit radical lady??? I agree, guilty as charged...but sometimes we all have a monster that lurks inside waiting to be unleashed. Like I said, I had a bad day and had been--as some would say-- suckin' on hind t*t long enough. I cracked....and now that it's over I feel much better. Thank you, Thank you very much....

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Fiddle Faddle

Well, here we are folks. Another year with no World Series play for the St. Louis Cardinals. Maybe next year-hopefully...."Que Sera Sera" I guess there's always football, for those who are into that sport. Unfortunately, I've never seemed to be able to understand that game. All I know is that there's alot of well built men with nice "padded" butts, running around on a big football field. I never was much of a basketball fan either. I did go to a hockey game once but I had a hard time keeping up with the game. Of course, the fact that this guy sitting next to me kept trying to hold a conversation about how overpaid most players are didn't help the situation. Oh well...

I can honestly say that I believe today was the longest day of my entire life. I'm so glad it's over. Have you ever had a day like that? I was a clock-watchin' fool. And it seemed that the more I looked up at the clock, the longer it took to reach the next hour. Time can be so cruel. Speaking of which; I've got 2 more days until the day of mourning. My birthday is Saturday and I turn 40 years old. "THE BIG 40" -four "0". I can hardly believe it! It was hard enough for me when I turned 30, but 40....Geez!! I mean sure, I could do like alot of women and just stick on 39 for a few years--LET IT RIDE!! That's not me though. I don't want to lie about my age, never felt the need to do that. I'm not starting now. I'll just grin and bear it making the best of the situation. Aging is a natural thing, we all do it. So I guess I should quit trippin' and take comfort in the fact that I'm still here. It's great to be alive, right?

Oh yea, almost forgot...I'm off work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday which in my infinite book of wisdom= A Weekend!

It's the weekenddddddddddddddddddddd Baby!!
See ya!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

No rest for the Wicked

What's up everybody? I'm home early from work today,(off at 1pm.) and I'm pretty tired so I decide to take a nap. The weather's beautiful and I've got my windows open, letting in the clean air and sunshine--really feelin' it. I put on some comfy clothes to get me in that relaxed, lounging kinda mood and lay down on my couch in the livingroom. I set my alarm on my cell phone for about 3pm.--just a little over an hour long nap. I was so ready for it. So there I lay for all of 5 minutes, and all of a sudden....I hear this music. A song by Alicia Keys called "If I ain't got you". It seemed to be coming from my neighbors house, not my Bosnian neighbors, but on the opposite side and someone was singing along with the song RATHER LOUDLY. It was as if they were right in my livingroom and I was their audience. I realize that it's early in the day and if I don't want to hear it, I can always close my windows....well I'd still have heard a "muffled sound" but I didn't want to close the windows because I enjoy the fresh air coming in the house, so since the music was keeping me awake, I decided to get up off my rusty dusty and finish the last leg of my laundry that I'd started last evening while watching the baseball game.

--And how about them Cardinals folks??!! We're still in there and we're coming home!!!
To be perfectly honest, I fell asleep during the 8th inning. I assumed we were going to lose. I'm glad we came back with a vengence in the ninth...NICE ONE PUJOLS, YOU ROCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! Hoping for a win in game 6 on Wednesday! Yeah baby.....
As you can see--or shall I say hear, I still haven't put any background music on here as yet. Truth is; I haven't really been working on that lately. I'll get around to it sometime soon I hope. And speaking of background music, I can hear some more loud music again playing on someone's stereo. This time it's Bosnian music. I've noticed that most of the music I hear Bosnian people listening to is pretty upbeat and fast. It's almost like club mix. I've never heard a Bosnian ballad, you know something slow and easy. Hmmm.....So many different varieties of music in the world, interesting....
For those of you wondering how hell has been in the past couple days, here's a recap on the current standings and a few new upgrades for you:
  1. Satan and his ontourage are still keeping the sinners company EVERYDAY.
  2. It's still hot down here and we're sweating like pigs.
  3. Rest assured, we're recieving an abundance of fresh hot coals...TWICE DAILY. (great ain't it?)

New Upgrades in Hell.....

  1. The heating element has now been totally removed and replaced by open flames!!....This not only makes it hotter down here, but we also get the excitement of actually feeling the flames licking up against our bodies. Kinda like excercise gurus. REALLY FEELIN' THE BURN BABY!
  2. Daggers....yes, every sinner gets to feel the twist of the dagger at least once a day. No one gets left out--and I mean NO ONE...makes ya feel like family, doesn't it?
  3. Ritual sacrifices. "THE MASTER" has decided to make a list of "chosen individuals" for sacrifice. ewwwwwwww can't wait for that....
  4. And last but certainly not least--MORE TORTURE....MMMMMMMM Sock it to me baby!! Mr. Groening, if you will please......

Sunday, October 16, 2005

What the heck was up tonight????

Hellooooooo, will someone please tell me what the HELL is up with that homeplate umpire, what's his name??? Phil Jizzy...or Cuzzi or WHATEVER his damn name is!! He not only made bad calls to BOTH TEAMS, but he made it clear that he had it in for the Cardinals by making some calls that were absolute travesties....Geez!! I'm sure he'll be escorted outta the park tonight! And how did Jason Marquis make it to the majors???? Don't get me wrong, I'm no big baseball fan no it all but, he must really like it on the bottom 'cause he sure was doing alot of screwing up!!(know what I mean?) He just didn't seem to be focused at all. I don't understand why he was allowed to continue pitching. Larussa was on fire tonight boyyyyyyyyyyy....made me proud to be half Italian. Give 'em hell Tony!!

Now, we've got to win. No question....If we're gonna have the same umpires for the next game, I hope they're rotated. And I also hope Mr. "Jizzy"(cuzzi) gets laid, or eats some fish(brain food) and/or wears some contacts so he can make INTELLIGENT CALLS for a change.....Come on ump, get with the program already!!!

Okay, my PMS venting is over for the evening. *GRRRRRRRRRR*

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Feelin' lucky or sinful??

I'm sure I'm among many people waiting on those six numbers in the powerball drawing. Can you imagine having all that money??? 300mil here folks.....what would you do with all that? Okay, well after the taxes maybe around 200mil, but still!!! At least I can dream, right?

After the day I endured today, I need some sweet dreams. And my upcoming week isn't looking much better. Let's just say that I'm not enjoying my stay in hell right now. Most of the time; it's tollerable. Satan's normally busy tormenting someone else and I'm serving my sentence and doing "his" bidding. But wouldn't you know it, just as my luck would have it, "THE MASTER" has decided to upgrade hell. (as we know it) Some of the changes; you ask? Well, for starters:

  1. He's decided to turn the temperature up! We can't have the sinners getting too comfy down here. After all, that would be along the lines of pleasantness...we can't have that now can we?
  2. From now on, fresh hot coals will be added to the floor on a daily basis. That way we're assured to stay in constant pain as we walk barefoot all day long.
  3. We (the sinners) will have the honor of being visited by Satan and his adversaries on a daily basis andddddddd....for long periods of time; up to and not excluding ALL DAY LONG!! (which supercedes the entire idea of being in hell in the first place)

But as I've said, this is hell....flames are high, no water in the bucket,

F**K IT!!

Actually, I'm just goofing around here. My day was challenging but I do enjoy a good challenge. I think of it as excercise for the mind. Not to mention the body. Sometimes I just like to get on here and ramble silly things. All jokes aside though,

I really do want to hit them six numbers.......

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Babbles of a sweet excuse

I'm watching the St. Louis Cardinals play the Houston Astros and baking a chocolate cake. Of course I'm wanting the Cardinals to win!!(GO CARDS!) So, if the Cardinals do win, I'll celebrate with chocolate cake. But if they lose.....I'll endulge my sorrows with, you guessed it...CHOCOLATE CAKE!! I win either way, Yeyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

I know, I know.....
The chocolate cake is BAD.
...And sometimes,

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Singin' the Blues.....

Okay, call me impatient but I'm finally in the process of putting music on my site. I tend to get so frustrated because I know what I want, It's just a matter of getting the result. I'd probably still be completely in the dark on knowing where to place the code in my template if it weren't for the helpful suggestion from a very nice young lady. **Thanks again M** It's nice to know that there are some really cool people who are willing to help us "slow learners" LMAO

As I've said before, It's all trial and error. I'll just keep on searching until I find a website that has a code that actually keeps on working. The video I have on here now did in fact work ONCE. (one time only) Now it doesn't seem to want to play anymore. Oh well, back to the drawing board...I guess it's things like this that make me want to explore more. It intrigues me. I find all of this computer jargin or programming language so facinating.

So, I have yet another "project" but I've got to stop for tonight. If I try to get involved in this now, I'll be up forever and I've got to get up at 2 am tomorrow for work.(2:30 the latest) BTW, If any of you want to suggest anything....and I mean ANYTHING to help me along on this, feel free. I'm listening.....

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Fall is in the air

As I sit here typing, and glancing outside from my window, I see a beautiful day. The sun is shining and the sky is blue. No clouds, a subtle breeze with a temperature of about 63 degrees. I love days like this. Mellow days, when everything just seems to fall into place. It would be so nice if this sort of day would play out through the whole month of October. Especially for Halloween night. Oddly enough, Halloween is one of my most favorite holidays. I really enjoy going all out for it. I enjoyed it so much as a child and I can remember dressing up and going from house to house, in different neighborhoods with my parents.
It was such a thrill for me and I always had to be something different every year. Big planning went into effect when it came to finding the perfect costume, or making one. My dad would always make sure I brought my big plastic pumpkin(for treats) and he'd bring along not one, but two pillowcases so I could dump the candy I'd recieved into them. As soon as my pumpkin would get half full and heavy, he'd have me dump it in a pillowcase and I'd continue on to the next goody house.
You see, my father enjoyed eating the candy more than I did and he felt that if I'd go up to houses with an empty pumpkin, the people would give out more candy to me. (this really was a good idea!) The later it got, the more candy I'd recieve 'cause some people would feel sorry for me and say, "Awwwwwwww you don't have any candy yet and it's so late. Here, take as much as you want." (SUCKERSSSSSSS!!!) hahaha
Actually, I'm sure most people were hip to the game but since I was a little girl, they
Normally, every year I decorate the outside of my home with "spooky items" scarecrows & ghosts, and cob webs and such. I thoroughly enjoy carving pumpkins( 4 large ones) and I place them outside about 2 or 3 days before Halloween and light a candle inside each of them. Of course I have to bring them inside each night, before I go to bed and wrap them in saran wrap and put them into the refridgerator, so they don't rot. I remember the first time my Bosnian neighbors saw the lighted pumpkins about 3 or 4 years ago. They were completely mesmerized. They'd never seen anything like that before. It was so neat! There is however one down side to all this preparation for the trick or treaters..... Unfortunately, there aren't very many children living on my block anymore so I don't get many kids coming by. If I get 10 or 12 visits, I'm lucky. But, I still dress up and decorate and buy candy anyway. The really weird thing is that if you look down my street, across the main thoroughfare to the other side, there's trick or treaters galore! I'm assuming that most of them are just walking the neighborhood and that's why they don't cross the busy street to come down to my house. (safety first)
Anyway, I'm thinking about giving away alot of my decorations since I have so many. And this is just for Halloween. I'm not even going to mention "The Christmas Closet"...Geez, If I buy one more decoration.....I could probably open up a store with all this stuff!! Honestly, having too many decorations to put up becomes a chore in itself. I really should stop. Ha Ha NOT!! Old habits really are hard to break, I suppose....