Bet you're all wondering what I'm doing up at 1:45 in the morning especially since I'm supossed to be getting up for work in - say about 2 more hours, right? *sigh* Well, I couldn't sleep. I tried but just couldn't seem to get into that comfortable zone and ease into that drone-like state. It all stems from yesterday after work, of course. As you know from yesterday's post, I had a pretty busy day and even though I got home from work at about 1:30, (with oodles of daytime left) I grabbed a bite to eat and well, passed out. I was whooped. I must have been pretty out of it because when I finally did wake up--yea, you guessed it-- at 6pm. I still had my cell phone in my hand. I must've fallen asleep while trying to set the alarm on it.
Now that's pretty sad....I mean, I'm either working
way too much, or I'm just becoming way too lazy. hehe
Either way, I lose out again because my "little nap" turned into another comatose sleep which is why I'm now wide awake. I also missed out on going to the gym...AGAIN, never fails....
So, as I was saying, when I finally did awaken from what seemed to be one of the most sound naps I've had in a very long while, I decided to make a run to the corner store and pick up some things for Tuesday's dinner. I'm trying to start cooking more often 'cause fastfood is killing my health not to mention my pocketbook. I'm making a chuck roast and I needed to get my little essentials: celery, potatoes, carrots, greenpepper, onion, get the picture. MMMMMM MMMMMMM good! I cut up all of the veggies and cut up the roast and browned it and put it on a low 250 degrees last night around 8pm. I'll turn it off and put it in the fridge this morning before leaving for work and when I get home I'll put it back on. It's gonna be so good!--much more tasty than a hamburger or taco or any of that artery clogging, greasy fast food.
It's funny, I remember as I was getting up just a few minutes ago to get online, I was kind of in a light dream-like state because I seemed to be having somewhat of a nightmare. I was dreaming of --what seemed to be like-- Evilness. I mean like being possesed or haunted or something of that nature....And no, this has nothing to do with the fact that Halloween is right around the corner, or that I live across from a cemetary, or that my house is haunted. There is one thing that scared the heck out of me though. You see, where I live, there is an alleyway behind my house with dumpsters for trash pick up.( city- living...ewwwwww) Anyway, as I was leaving for work yesterday morning, I saw a really big racoon exiting the dumpster right behind my house.
He scared the crap out of me!!! And to make matters even worse,
last night I think I saw a mouse in my livingroom!! This is most
likely happening since the weather is cooling and he's probably
looking for someplace warm to stay. Also the dumpsters don't
help the situation. So, you know what's happening later today,
right? I'm gonna buy some traps and poison cause I definately
can't live with a mouse. I might just have to let my cat, Louie
stay down here(downstairs) with me more often as well.
Well, I think I'm gonna try and lay back down just to rest my eyes. I still have around an hour before it's time to get ready for work. Boy oh boy, I've got to get back on track here......Days are for being awake and nights are for sleeping, I think......