Saturday, October 22, 2005

Road Rage or Show of Shows.....

Okay, I've made up my mind that the majority of today's motorists--young, old, and all ages in between, are 100% tried and true, naturally and unequivocally totally screwed up!! That is, the motorists who drive(if you wanna call it that) here in St. Louis Missouri. And that statement is especially directed to "THE RICHEES"...otherwise known as the people who could give a rat's a*s about anyone but themselves. Those self-centered, egotistical, --'It's all about me; ME ME ME'," me first," important ignorant fools (for lack of a better word) and quoting the artist, Prince referring to some of them as: "The Beautiful Ones." I'm talking about the wonderful wealthy. If in fact I'm sounding alittle bitter....I am. When I'm driving on the road or highway, I'm sharing the roadway with all other drivers. I don't own the road. No one does. This includes the RICHEES. Here's a perfect example:

Today I was driving in a well to do area in West County. The police are normally patrolling the area looking for speeders so naturally I'm doing the speed limit. The passing drivers are mostly rich or well off. In other words, you very rarely see any raggedy vehicles in this area. So here I am, just cruising along and listening to my radio--the entrance to the highway is straight ahead and I'm in the correct lane for it. All of a sudden, I see this white Cadillac Escalade barging over in front of me. Of course the driver, some rich woman, chose to do this without any warning at all. WHAT'S WRONG BI*CH, ARE YOUR BLINKERS BROKEN??? --I wanted to say. I knew that wasn't the case being that the SUV was brand new. This seems to be a pretty frequent occurrence( for me at least.) Oddly enough, the same thing happened to me a few days earlier.(in the same damn neighborhood) Only this time, I fought back. Yes...I had to clown. I became one of those infamous road rage drivers. I guess I was just caught at the wrong time. I had been very stressed that particular day and I wasn't taking any crap from anyone. So, this Ms. Thang decided that she was gonna cut me off since she had a truck full of people <--her audience, and you know that the road we were driving on was owned by her. I mean, she's among the rich so it must belong to her, right? Anyway, again without any warning--not a blinker the first,( as my aunt would say) she starts coming into the lane I'm in as if I'm not even there. It almost seemed as though she were trying to either run me off the road or become one with my SUV....PALEASE! I automatically blew the horn at her. As a matter of fact, I kept my hand on the horn as I put my foot on the gas pedal and kept right on driving in the lane as if to say, B**CH HAVE YOU LOST YOUR F**KIN' MIND???? I had a curb to contend with on my side of the street, but I had a few inches to play with so, I was like--you wanna drive? DRIVE THEN DAMMIT!! 'cause you're gonna either hit another vehicle to your right or hit me before I let you over here!! All this and I never once made eye contact with her. I had a passenger riding with me and he was a nervous wreck. (sorry 'bout that) He kept mumbling , "just let her go, just let her get in front of you." But that was not in the equation baby...No way. I made that clear as we came to the final stoplight before entering the highway. She was sitting behind me with all of her windows down as I was yelling at the top of my lungs: F**CK HER!! WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?? Soooooo, the light turns green and needless to say, she was eatin' my behind...all the way to the highway, on the highway, and up until her exit came up. Yep, you messed with the wrong lady today...BEOTCH!!!!

I know, you're all thinking: Dayum!, don't you think you're being alittle bit radical lady??? I agree, guilty as charged...but sometimes we all have a monster that lurks inside waiting to be unleashed. Like I said, I had a bad day and had been--as some would say-- suckin' on hind t*t long enough. I cracked....and now that it's over I feel much better. Thank you, Thank you very much....


Blogger Tim said...

Remind me never to piss you off with my crazy Massachusetts driving skills!

These kinds of drivers are everywhere and they don't necessarily have to be rich. If their vehicle is bigger than yours - LOOK OUT! WHOO HA!

That's why I'll never buy a super compact, lunch box sized car. No protection from "those people".

Glad you're over your road rage for now, though it would have been a classic topper if you had ended the story with the police pulling you over and ticketing you for the road rage, even if you were ony retaliating.

11:34 AM, October 23, 2005  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

Ya know, I was wondering,while in my "fit of rage", where the police-aka- "THE MAN" was hiding. Thank goodness for radar detectors LOL--kidding, just kidding...

8:31 PM, October 23, 2005  

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