Saturday, October 15, 2005

Feelin' lucky or sinful??

I'm sure I'm among many people waiting on those six numbers in the powerball drawing. Can you imagine having all that money??? 300mil here folks.....what would you do with all that? Okay, well after the taxes maybe around 200mil, but still!!! At least I can dream, right?

After the day I endured today, I need some sweet dreams. And my upcoming week isn't looking much better. Let's just say that I'm not enjoying my stay in hell right now. Most of the time; it's tollerable. Satan's normally busy tormenting someone else and I'm serving my sentence and doing "his" bidding. But wouldn't you know it, just as my luck would have it, "THE MASTER" has decided to upgrade hell. (as we know it) Some of the changes; you ask? Well, for starters:

  1. He's decided to turn the temperature up! We can't have the sinners getting too comfy down here. After all, that would be along the lines of pleasantness...we can't have that now can we?
  2. From now on, fresh hot coals will be added to the floor on a daily basis. That way we're assured to stay in constant pain as we walk barefoot all day long.
  3. We (the sinners) will have the honor of being visited by Satan and his adversaries on a daily basis andddddddd....for long periods of time; up to and not excluding ALL DAY LONG!! (which supercedes the entire idea of being in hell in the first place)

But as I've said, this is hell....flames are high, no water in the bucket,

F**K IT!!

Actually, I'm just goofing around here. My day was challenging but I do enjoy a good challenge. I think of it as excercise for the mind. Not to mention the body. Sometimes I just like to get on here and ramble silly things. All jokes aside though,

I really do want to hit them six numbers.......


Blogger Tim said...

I've enjoyed reading your blog & bookmarked it for future reference.

Did you win? Me neither. Not even close. Maybe next time.

BTW - Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Hope to see you again!

1:44 PM, October 16, 2005  

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