Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Life sucks and then it sucks some more, then alittle more and thennnnnnn(and only then) is it finally over-The End

I guess I should just start out by saying that last week wasn't the best week for me and this one isn't looking any better. Frankly, I haven't been wandering around in the ever-so-pleasant blogesphere for the past week because my mind has been on so many other issues and my time has been pretty much absorbed by alot of misery and crucial bullcrap that has enveloped me with a great deal of stress and strain. Let's see......where to begin........

Okay, I'll start with Monday, the 24th. It was a very early start for me as it usually is on Mondays. I got up at 2:30am and started my work day at 5am. Believe it or not, that was the easy part. Since Monday's are the most challenging day of the week for me, I normally take a nap upon returning home but, not on this day. No sir. Instead, I had some important (extremely important) papers I had to fax to my mortgage company. -10 pages to be exact- so I did that. I had a few phone calls to make and they were less than enchanting. Thank goodness I know how to keep my cool, otherwise those calls could've become screaming matches and that would have been really bad. Did I mention that this day was also the day that I started screwing up a week's worth of healthy eating habits that I'd started on the Monday prior to this one. Yep......fell off the banana boat again.......

I'd decided to start what I called, " The Battle of the Bulge" the day after Easter by starting to eat good meal plans with less calories and all that good stuff you do when following any kind of weight reduction plan. My plan was to start walking and doing light excercise at the beginning of my second week BUT....I got sidetracked--as usual--and upset with the way some things seemed to be going in my life and for some of us, we turn to food as a comfort zone. Now, what little water weight I was beginning to lose has returned and I'm still upset and the problems are still there so.......the food did absolutely nothing to make things better for me. Now that I know this, the only direction for me to go is back to the beginning of starting once again with healthy eating. Hopefully since I vented my aggressions (through poor eating habits) I'll be able to move forward in the right direction again .....AND STAY THERE!!!
On Tuesday, the day went rather fast for me. I had plenty of work to do to make the time move right along which is always a good thing. The weather was nice and I got a chance to talk with a friend and to be honest, this was the best day of the week for me--UNTIL.......later that evening. I reached into my purse to get my cell pnone and it slipped out of my hand and fell hard on the kitchen floor. I figured, no biggie but as I picked it up from the floor, I noticed a crack on the top of it and when I flipped it open, a small piece of my phone came off and into my hands. I'm thinking, "That's not good." I could actually see a part of the connector on the inside of the phone and I don't think that would be a good idea to have that up against my ear but with alittle fiddling around, I finally got the piece back into it's rightful place. Although everytime I used the phone, I had to be careful not to press onto the reciever too much or else it would pop back out. Being that I only have 5 more months till my contract is up, I was going to try to stick it out. Of course now with the phone falling onto the floor, in my life that represents the first shoe falling......
Moving on to Wednesday, it seemed to start out as a pretty good day. I went to work at my part-time job and inside of say, one hour, I was completely pissed off!! I'll put it this way, I felt like a firefighter putting out small fires in my path with every step I took. GEEZ, I'm thinking, "Things can't possibly get any worse." You know what happens when you think that way? I'll tell you what happens. A little "devil bird" comes soaring and hovering around above your head and takes a gigantic sh*t on you. That's exactly what happens, at least it does to me. Between cranky customers who don't seem to be pleased or very friendly no matter how much you bend over backwards to try and give them good service to disorganized workers who don't know what it is to prepare and get things in order for business, Well.....it was enough to make me wanna crawl outta my skin. I said to myself, " Hell with it" and went and had a cigarette to calm down and start getting things in order the way they should have been done earlier before customers began coming into the store. Here, let me give you an example. This is just one thing among many others but it's extremely important. It's around noontime and we're knee deep in customers waiting to be served.( I'll say about 30 people waiting) Do any of these customers have numbers in their hands? NO! And why don't they have numbers you ask????? BECAUSE THERE ARE NO NUMBERS IN THE NUMBER BOX FOR THEM TO TAKE!!!!!! So, I call a number. I get no response, just blank stares from all of the hungry people. I call another number. Again, no response. I then ask a lady what number she has and she tells me that there are no numbers in the box. At this point, my chest hurts. I'm thinking, "Just take me now Lord!" I call to one of the little troglodites as I affectionately call the younger workers, to get a roll of numbers out of the meat managers desk and fill the number box. Now, here's my dillema: What do you do when you have 30 pissed off people who happen to be in a hurry and they're all those "Me First types" so, when you ask "May I help who was next", they all say " I was." It's like, "KEMOSABE, WHAT WE DO NOW??" I personally don't think the Lone Ranger could even fix this one......So as you can see, this day was a real blast--ALL DAY LONG....Atleast I had one bit of excitement, I got tagged by Constant and that was fun.
Thursday, I got home from work and took a look at my phone bill. My landline phone bill. I swear I was about to have a heartattack and a stroke when I saw it. Needless to say, I had to call them because there were many different charges on my bill for services that I'd never asked for. When I paid my bill last month, I called the phone company because of these same charges and had them taken off, or so I thought. The woman I spoke with said she was going to take them off but that little devil bird didn't. SHE LIED!!!! So now, I get this gigantic phone bill for a phone that I only use really just for my pc and fax and I go over it only to find all of the same charges still there. (here comes my nineteenth nervous breakdown) *Mick Jagger's singin' to me* Here's alittle excerpt from the wonderful conversation I had with the customer service representative. His name was Miguel:
Miguel: "You have a balance due of 45.00 from your old bill."
Me: "I beg your pardon?"
Miguel: "You owe 45.00 in addition to your new bill of 112.73."
Me: "What old bill are you referring to? I paid my bill last month 5 days ahead of the due date over the phone."
Miguel: "No, this is an old bill, ma'am."
Me: "I don't understand, how can I have an old bill if I paid last month's bill in full and had a balance of zero? I always pay my bill on time and in full so I don't know what old bill you're referring to. The reason I called is because I'm being charged for services I never asked for."
Miguel: "Well, you owe this money so, would you like to pay this bill now over the phone?"
Me: "I would like to first find out why I'm being charged fo"
Miguel: (interrupting) "I'm going to connect you with someone else because I don't take care of that."
And I waited, and waited, and waited. 25 minutes went by and no one ever came to the phone. I hung up. PISSED OFF AGAIN!!!! Where is the justice? It's in dreamland. I took a nap.
Friday rolls in with a bang as I wake up to someone blowing the f**k out of there car horn at that wonderful 3am hour. There's nothing like waking up to a loud car horn in the morning. (ain't it great?) And they don't just blow the horn a few times intermittently either. NOOOOOOOOO. They flat a*s lean on it continueously. Such a beautiful start to the day.....yea, right. Anyway, I get up and ready for work and remember that today(friday) marks the start of the "One day sale" where we have 2 items featured at ridiculously low prices for just that one day. Lemme tell ya, people love those one day sales.......I was so happy to see 2:00 that afternoon I didn't know what to do. When I got home, I decided to barbeque. That turned out nice. Of course, I didn't eat anything because by the time I was finished cooking, I was too tired. I threw some clothes in the laundry and laid down. I slept straight through the night too. I must've been beat.
So Saturday begins and I'm running late. I guess I had too much sleep. I just couldn't get going. It was a long slow day at work and the clock was barely moving. Normally the day after a one day sale is pretty slow since many customers stock up with the sale items on that day. So, before I leave work, I'm making a quick trip to the restroom and then, the other shoe falls. (remember the first shoe being my phone falling on the kichen floor) Now, I drop my cell phone on the hard concrete floor at work. The poor phone breaks in two. It's all over. Now I'm gonna have to go to the nearest verizon wireless store and get another phone. Damn! It's raining outside as I drive home from work so I can't do any yard work. Then I remember that I have an appointment with my beautician at 2:30pm. or as my co-workers so affectionately call it, "The mortician". --No respect. LOL I get to the salon at about 2:35 and I'm there until 6pm. which sucked but at least now I feel alittle bit better. After the salon visit, I make my way to Verizon wireless. To make a long story short, I end up having to buy a new phone.....AT FULL PRICE because I didn't have any insurance on my phone(dumba*s) but now I have a much better phone with more capabilities and I am now proud to say that I'm among those people who look like aliens with gadgetry in their ears. Yes, I now have bluetooth technology folks! Another learning process for me to explore. By the time I get home, It's late so I throw some clothes into the dryer and get my butt in the bed.
On Sunday, I get to sleep in until about 6am which is very nice for me. I normally wake up at 5 or 6 on Wednesdays and Sundays since I'm so used to getting up at 3am. I get on the computer and fiddle around a bit and then lay back down. I enjoy being able to do that. It almost feels like i'm off work or living.....whichever you want to call it. I'm just glad that I get some time like this because I know what waits lurking in the shadows for me later this day. You guessed it, those little "TROGLODITES", ALSO KNOWN AS "THE CHAOTIC KIDS". You gotta love 'em.....I can't wait till they grow up. God willing, if I'm still alive when they turn 30 or even 40 years old, and I hear them talking sh*t and b*tchin' and moanin' like I'm doing now....HAHAHAHAHA I can't wait!
And now, I'm at the start of a new week as Monday rolls in. It's another a*s kicker as usual. Thank goodness for the 5-1pm shift. Otherwise it would be a real disaster. So much preparation is involved with cases being pulled and cleaned and the old ad being taken off and the new ad being put on. Mondays are definitely not easy. And the customers expect "grand opening conditions" with everything ready for them to buy when they come into the store at an early hour too. Most consumers really have no idea about what it takes to make their shopping trip easy and convenient.
Which brings me FINALLY to today. I have to say that today seems to have gone pretty darn smooth. No b*tching today, sorry. LOL So......do I sound like a person who needs a freaking vacation or what? All I've got to say is 8 more weeks and counting.....
And that's what's been happening in my f**ked up little world. I hope all of you have had a better week than I have. If not, perhaps we should all check into the nearest mental facility LOL
Random Quotes:

Challenges QuotesMotivational quotes, inspirational quotes on challenges. Let these challenge quotes inspire and motivate you when you are facing challenges in your life.
"Every problem has a gift for you in its hands." Richard Bach
"Before you can consider a problem water under the bridge, you must first patiently work on removing the dam." Michelle C. Ustaszeski
"Perseverance is the ability to keep going in the face of continuous challenges. It is the ability to disregard distractions and to stay focused." Catherine Pulsifer, from PERSEVERANCE IS THE ABILITY
"A challenge is an opportunity to prove your ability to yourself, and others." Contributed by Joe Brown
"To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can't just accept the ones you like." Mike Gafka
"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors." African Proverb
"The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges." Martin Luther King Jr.


Blogger DaBich said...

Damnit, I left a post on here earlier....blogger pisses me off lol
Zep, lady, sounds like you definitely need a vacation. You've had quite a time of it likely and you deserve a vacation!! I was just happy to hear from you, make sure you're still kicking!
Hang in there, better days are coming!! HUGZ!

9:11 AM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

Thanks dabich, I needed that hug. *sigh*

6:01 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

Hi constant,
I don't plan on doing any traveling but I DO plan on going fishing at some parks nearby. I'm still hangin' on, thanks. :)

8:55 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger Tim said...

I'll remember not to complain too long or too loudly about my boring a** life after reading that!!!

Hope the rest fo your week went smoothly.

8:31 PM, May 05, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...


Yea, I know it sounds like a bunch of crap but sometimes ya just gotta vent. LOL

Things are looking up, thanks!

8:03 AM, May 07, 2006  
Blogger Tim said...

vent away...

8:40 PM, May 07, 2006  

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