Human Behavior
As you now know, I have a fascination with human behavior in all aspects. Whether it be through communication, or actions, or personalities, habits, or what have you. The simple fact is that people are quite interesting and sometimes, in more ways than one can ever imagine. I can't help but question what makes some people act in certain ways. Sometimes the way in which a person reacts or, their quirky attitude can really stump me.
Here's just a few examples:
When a person asks me for my opinion on something, and I take the time to give them a well -thought out answer, why then do they always go straight to another person asking the same damn question again?? And then, (and only then) do they actually believe the answer--which just so happens to be the same answer I'd given them just moments ago--but now apparently, it seems to sound "right" to them so they believe in and feel rather comfortable with the answer now all of a sudden. I mean, far be it from me to proclaim the fame of being an information specialist but some of the issues brought to me for suggestions and help don't require one to be a rocket scientist to answer, they only require a little common sense and knowledge which I do posses. (even though some of you may think differently. lol)
Did I happen to mention that this only seems to happen to me with men? No offense here to my male counterparts but I can almost hear James Brown in the background singin' "It's a Man's World." **WHATEVAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!* Of course, I'm not speaking of the majority of the male population I'm in contact with, just a general view of a few who I tend to deal with on a daily basis. I suppose that this behavior typically stems from their upbringing which is what they choose to believe and how they see fit to feel "manly." The only thing I wonder is if they ever stop and think of how others perceive their action, not that it matters what others think but it just seems to give off a negative attitude and disrespect especially to their female counterparts. On the other side of the coin, I'm sure that this has happened numerous times with women as well. I'm only speaking of what I've experienced.....Men, I've said before, they're funny creatures but I do love 'em. Make no mistake about that girls. mmmmmmm(but enough of that before I get side-tracked)
Also, I've noticed that there seems to be a vast majority of people harboring a lack of communication. Why is it so hard for some people to communicate with others? Communication is a necessity, a main staple in life. In other words, WE NEED IT FOLKS!! So, why then is it such an intangible substance? If you want a certain outcome from someone, you must first communicate to that person to receive it. PURE & SIMPLE. Cut and dry. It's just that easy. So why is this such a problem for some of us? I can only assume that some people are running in fear of that black cloud called "Offensive". Sometimes, some people tend to be afraid of offending others by communicating their needs to them.(which I feel is completely idiotic) but, I guess it's a matter of opinion. These individuals often seem to shy away from any kind of confrontations at all costs....Regardless of the fact that it may be in their best interest to assure a successful outcome or not.
My views on this, you ask???
Well, you can't go through life being a total "WUS" all of the time if you ask me. You've got to get some backbone and tell people what you want or expect from them. got nothing coming and will constantly be let down or dissatisfied all the time. There's also the fact that your chances are next to none in gaining respect from people especially if you don't speak your mind to them and let them walk all over you. Be for real. Hiding behind your thoughts will never get you where you want to be or what you want out of a person. I could be wrong but that's just the way I feel. How many times have you wanted a person to react a certain way and they actually do without you ever letting them know what you want? Sure, this can happen on occasion but it's not all that common. There are those of us who seem to naturally have that ability or "gift" to be able to make things go their way. Shall I say, having a manipulative nature or playing those "little mind games" and steering individuals into certain directions that you may want them to go. I'd like to add that if this has happened to any of you in the past, it doesn't mean that you're a weak-minded individual, because some people are just very good at it. It comes natural for them. Anyway, I feel that the best way is the honest and straight - forward approach through good communication. Besides, what else you gonna do with that mouth of yours other than eat and well, whatever else comes to naughty people. (always ends up going straight to sex) hmmmmmm.........
Some people I've come in contact with can be quite professional. Well, to be more exact, it's really 2 words: "PROFESSIONALLY ANAL." Yea, I'm sure y'all know what I'm talking about here. I mean those of us who seem to get on a certain path and allow ourselves to be drawn, (as magnets) to it, putting on our blinders and staying focused on that one item regardless of whatever may be going on around us. A house could be on fire not 5 feet away and yet we're still engrossed with whatever activity we're involved in at the time. See......that's what I mean by ANALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!! LOL It's like no other thought process can squeeze into their brain because at that precise moment, their head is full of that one single item which must be in so many small pieces of thoughts that it takes up their entire brainwave function. It sorta reminds me of that "B -rated" movie called " Night of the Living Dead", when all of the zombies are zoned out and wandering around with one thing on their minds...."Humans for food." Bizarre, huh...Obviously some people aren't very coordinated in as much as muliple thought patterns. I know this one guy who gets a certain task in his little head and completely runs amock with it. As far as he's concerned, there's nothing else more important on the face of the earth other than whatever it is that he's obsessing at the present time. And if you try to talk to to him about certain repercussions that may be caused by his particular obsession, forget it 'cause he ain't hearin' it. End of story.....'Course if you use a little know-how and strategically place the problems occurring into what he's so anally obsessing on, in such a way that it seems to be beneficial to "His" current project, he may just listen to you. Again, that would require a well honed manipulative person to pull that off. ( I know what you're thinking and the answer is no) I'm not like that but I do know many people who are very manipulative and deceitful. Well, I've severed ties with them now because I found out that you can't always have a genuine friendship with people like that. Sooner or later they try to do you.....and not in the good way either. ROFLMAO
Random Quotes:
"Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image."
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"The 'self image' is the key to human personality and human behavior.
Change the self image and you change the personality and the behavior."
~Maxwell Maltz
"Everybody experiences far more than he understands. Yet it is experience,
rather than understanding, that influences behavior."
~Marshall Mcluhan
Are you sure this is all true-'scuse me a moment...Hey dawg, is she right? She is? F'real? Daaaammmmnnnnn!!! OK, ok...thanks...
Well, zep I agree with you :)
Hun, sweetie, Light 'o' my Life...everyone likes a little arse but nobody likes a smart arse.
Oh yea, almost forgot...THIEF! lol
Zep lady! Hey, great post! And I'll tell you what. We have so many of those manipulative people at the office where I work, it's disgusting. I hate playing games,but sometimes ya gotta play to win, ya know what I mean?
"Why ya gotta be like dat?" I wanna ask them. But I know it would fall on deaf ears. So I play the game ::sigh::
You DO have people pegged tho. good job!
What'd I steal? Should I ask a man what he thinks? LOL
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the post! I hear ya on all fronts girlfriend. The only bad thing is that they (the game players) seem to be rapidly multiplying. Pretty soon we'll be surrounded....You don't think they're into canibalism like the zombies, do ya?
*searching for nails & boards to barracade the premises*
Your horns are showing, and right after Easter too. tisk...tisk...
I love playng an evil sexist. next to a flaming gay, it's the most fun activity~~~
i can't add anything to this.... so i won't.
good post, zep, you observant lil' dahlin.....
Ohhhhhh, so you've been pretending??? I get it now! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......
what? ;)
you know I am- I think broads are equal to men.
Thanks....but, "dahlin"? According to it's definitions are:
3 entries found for dahlin.
Inulin \In"u*lin\, n. [From NL. Inula Helenium, the elecampane: cf. F. inuline.] (Chem.) A substance of very wide occurrence. It is found dissolved in the sap of the roots and rhizomes of many composite and other plants, as Inula, Helianthus, Campanula, etc., and is extracted by solution as a tasteless, white, semicrystalline substance, resembling starch, with which it is isomeric. It is intermediate in nature between starch and sugar. Called also dahlin, helenin, alantin, etc.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
\Dah"lin\ (d[aum]"l[i^]n), n. [From Dahlia.] (Chem.) A variety of starch extracted from the dahlia; -- called also inulin. See Inulin.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
dahlin: in CancerWEB's On-line Medical Dictionary
Source: On-line Medical Dictionary, © 1997-98 Academic Medical Publishing & CancerWEB
Hmmmmmmmmm, all righty then....I remind you of starch....and I'm
BROADS???? I'm gonna have to have a talk with EFB on that and see what she has to say...LOL [-X on you...
Wait....dahlin = darlin' doesn't it? LOL My bad, sorry green.
see, I try to pay you a compliment slang wise and I get beat in the head with a dictionary.... glad you caught it else I would have had to go postal on your azz...
just kidding, dahlin ;>)
YOU??? POSTAL??? Never. You're too nice a person to be like that. ;)
Thanks for the compliment hun. *hugs*
Thanks. and you're welcome.
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