Why are there locks on the doors of 24 hr. convenience stores?
Why do some people ask, "May I ask you a question?" when in fact, that is a question?
Why do some people choose to blow their noses in public restaurants rather than excuse themselves from the table and go to a more private setting such as; the restroom?
Does anyone ever proceed a flashing yellow light with caution?
Why is there handicapped parking at some establishments, but no handicapped entrances?
Also, Why are there no restroom stalls wide enough for wheelchairs at these establishments?
Why is it that when you hear one lawnmower early in the morning, all of a sudden, you hear several more? It's like "Simon says EVERYONE start mowing your lawn."
Why do some people refuse to take a number, but want to be waited on before all of the other people who've taken numbers and been standing in line waiting already?
Why is it acceptable for men to stare or gauk at women, but when women stare or gauk at men they're being unlady-like or permiscuous?
How much more higher will gas prices soar with the upcoming holiday?
And last but not least... How come the Pittsburgh Pirates never play against the Pittsburgh Steelers?---a little girl asked this one, had to put that on.
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