Sunday, July 24, 2005

And the winners are......

I have many friends who like to gamble. I have nothing against it. I used to go to the casino quite often myself. I always considered the casino like an arcade, only for adults, instead of children. Of course thinking that way can be pretty dangerous. Anyway, what I'm really wanting to talk about are the scratch-off tickets. Some people go really bonkers on them. There's this one friend of mine who plays scratch-offs EVERYDAY! He can't possibly be ahead, no way. The amount of money he spends is crazy to say the least. Don't get me wrong, it's his money and he can spend it as he chooses, but there's no way he's winning. Of course he does have his moments when he wins $20.00 here or $50.00 there but, how much did he spend to finally obtain that winning ticket???

I'm not trying to be holyer than thou here. I've played my fair share of scratch-offs as well, but I don't play everyday. Geez, who can afford to do that? I also will be the first to admit that I am not "a winner" as so many people choose to say they are. I also realize that there are some people that really do win. They're really ahead of the game and that's great! I just can't see that EVERYONE who plays is a true winner. If that were the case, there would be little or no money to win and the lottery would be no more.

I guess what really facinates me are the stories people like to tell about their many fortunes of winning all of the time. Although I can't for the life of me bring myself to asking them why they're still working if they win so much money all of the time. Why not gamble for a living? Right?? There are people who do that. I don't think it's a very smart idea, but some people do.

I suppose gambling is way of hope for some. Maybe like living in a dream of one day hitting a jackpot and becoming rich enough to live the "American Dream" as they see fit.(an expensive way to dream, but still a fantasy to most) It's something to do, I guess. Every so often, I too get the fever. My curiousity gets the better of me and I go down to the local discount cigarette shop to purchase a few tickets. Do I ever win? Not really, maybe a ticket here or a buck or two. Nothing big. So I go home and put that dream back up on the shelf--for future use. Hee Hee.
Maybe one day, right? So.....Where are the winners anyway???? Where are they at?


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