Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Ain't Life Grand????

Just thought I'd let y'all know how my vacation is going. All I can say is: FAN-FRIGGIN-TASTIC!! I'm really enjoying my time off from work. (did you honestly think that I'd say it sucked?) I've never known a vacation to suck. Anytime a person gets to have a few days, or a week or two off from work, It's cause for a celebration in my book. Everyone deserves to have a break from the monotony of work. Free time to do whatever they want, when they want, how they want, with whom they want, or alone it they want, and for as long as they want.

And it feels so nice to have those choices....
Today was a very pleasurable day for me. My dental visit went extremely well and short, considering I haven't been to the dentist in about a year and a half. I take very good care of my teeth and gums so, no problems there. I decided to go shopping this morning around 10ish. So, I'm doing the usual "girly thang" --looking at clothes, going back and forth, in and out of the fitting room. I probably was driving the poor attendant crazy. I finally find the perfect jeans and the perfect tops to match perfectly....[otherwise I'd still be there and the attendant would be cursing me out now] And I'm off on my merry little way to shop 'til I drop.
BTW, I have no shopping list, which is very dangerous for me. That means anything and everything is fair game. It's bad enough when I have a list. Why I even make a shopping list is beyond me 'cause I never adhere to it. I always end up buying those "Invisible Items". You know the ones that you meant to put on the list, but forgot.
So anyway, I'm zonin' out in my little shopper's paradise and I finally make my way to the checkout lanes. Lemme tell ya, finding the checkout lanes is like a maze for me when I'm in shopping mode. I get all of my items loaded on the conveyor as the checker scans them. As I'm paying the checker, I look up at the clock on the wall and I swear, I damn near flipped out when i saw what time it was!!!! It was almost 1pm. I had been in the store shopping for almost 3 hours! No wonder i was getting tired. Walking around in a daze for 3 hrs. Geez!!
I enjoyed it though.
Of course I wasn't finished. I still had to go to another store.....and I DID!!! The visit there was not quite as long though. Yea, even I was sick of shopping at that point....
I had a few errands to run and then I was homeward bound. The weather wasn't too bad today. It was somewhat humid but not that bad. I was out in it for a bit. I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll get to do alittle fishing. I really enjoy that. If not, I can always do it another day.
I didn't get a chance to go to the gym this evening but I will tomorrow nite. Looking forward to that...yea well, kinda. I'll feel better afterwards at least. I'm going to look for some pictures of my two doggies and my kitty cat and try to post them on here. I might put them on my other site: (The G Spot Pics)
Well, that's about it for now from me," Ms. Vacation." I wonder if this is how retirement feels??? I finally understand why most retired people hardly ever know what day of the week it is. Quite frankly, there's no need for it. MMMMMMMM....Freedom feels soooooooo nice!! Take care all and, don't work too hard. *SMILES & CHUCKLES*


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