Saturday, June 04, 2005

Tech 101 Continued..............

Well, I'm back. I almost didn't make it back, but miraculously I have returned. I'm sure you're all wondering what the heck I'm talking about, so...let me explain.

I got home from work, changed into some comfortable clothes, and put my dogs outside; as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary, but when I turned my computer on: EEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!! You guessed it!!

I totally freaked out! I hate it when that happens..... Granted, it has only happened to me one other time since I've had my computer but, It is so frustrating to me. I remember the first time it happened to me. I was almost in tears.... I had to call tech support. ( I'm sure you all know how wonderful that call is)
4 DAYS LATER.............
Yes, that's right, I said it!! That's how long it took for me to get my pc working again. I felt so distraught and helpless, 'cause i didn't know what to do.
This time, I fixed it all by myself. Well, cross your fingers, but everything seems to be working just fine. Running smooth and perfect. Yippee!!
I had to go into what is called "Safe Mode" From there, I was able to do a System Restore and restore my computer to a previous state. It seems to have worked being that I'm here posting on my blog. I have a feeling that I know what caused it too. I downloaded something new and I shouldn't have. I'll never do that again.....
So, you see, as I stated yesterday: " I always learn something new everytime I log on. I'm sure that this is child's play to all of you computer saavy folks living on Intellectual Internet Avenue, but to a new kid on the block, It's a really big deal!! I'm kinda proud of myself, really.....
Well, enough tooting my own horn. I'm not full of myself, really, I'm not. I'm just happy that i could do something on my own without having to run for help. It's an accomplishment for me. One of many I will have with practice, I'm sure.
I was supposed to do yard work yesterday, but I was so mentally and physically drained from work, that I just relaxed and went to bed shortly thereafter. Right now, it's too hot outside for mowing the lawn, so I think I'll wait 'till the sun goes down. Perhaps .....Of course, I probably won't feel like it then. lol
That's about all I've got today. (for now) I'm off!! search of more knowledge. Take care all!


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