Tech talk 101....Or, things associated with it......
What's up everybody? I hope everyone is having an eventful day today. My day , at the meatshop was fairly decent. Now that my work day is over, I'm relaxing , in front of the computer .(of course) I think I have the makings of becoming a real " computer geek." ha-ha Not that there's anything wrong with that.....I enjoy my pc immensely! I do however; need to crack down and hone my skills on here.
Call me crazy, but I've finally realized that there's no way to learn about EVERYTHING concerning technical aspects of computers and internet jargin and usage. That would be like, totally impossible being that there are no limits to technological change and the internet is endless......BUTTTTTTTTTTTT...... I can try to further my knowledge and skills in different fields of study.
I've noticed that many people I associate with, don't seem to be too comfortable when it comes to discussing anything concerning the internet....Or computers, for that matter. It's almost as if they are embarrassed in some way. Maybe it's just me and my goofy way of thinking, but it does seem as though most people are very apprehensive about it. I am not one of those people.
I embrace the knowledge. I guess it's because I wanted a computer for so many years. I can remember, 2 years ago, I didn't even know what the internet was....much less how to even turn the power on for the pc to I've come a long way since then. I normally learn something new each day i log on. And no, I'm not ashamed to say that i do normally log on at least once a day.......Dammit, why should i be ashamed. I'm trying to learn, right?
Most people tend to stereo-type a person as being LONELY when they spend alot of time online. I don't consider myself a lonely person. I choose to spend some of my free time online. But anyway, what do I care about what other people think????
As far as the free online courses go,(I made reference to taking some classes in a previous post) I've found that there are many pre-requesites. I need to find something that I'm already familiar with and go from there...... I'll manage though, I always do.
There is one thing that I would enjoy more. I notice that people are reading my posts, which is GREAT! I just wish i would get more feedback/comments. Or, let me know what you would like to read about. I'm taking any suggestions; within reason......
Well, I'm thinking about mowing the lawn. I'm stalling, really. hee-hee There's still some daylight left. We'll see...... Have a good one all, Toodlessssssssssss!!
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