Tuesday, January 10, 2006

When it rains, it pours........

Well, as they say, when it rains it pours. But then again.....they also say things happen in three's. ( Who are " they " anyway???) I've been quite busy lately and was intending on making a post about a recent funeral--well actually, a wake I had attended with a friend but never got around to finishing it on here. I did however talk briefly about it on my Yahoo 360 page. If you'd like to read more about it you can do so by clicking right here.

Today while I was at work just returning from my lunch break, I recieved a phone call from one of my cousins. Unfortunately the news was rather bad. She informed me that her mother, ( my aunt) had a fainting spell last evening at her house. Luckily, my cousin was with her mother last evening and able to call 911. My aunt is 84 years old.

Apparently, my aunt's potassium level was dangerously low and her blood pressure was quite high which is very serious for anyone and especially for someone her age. My aunt is set in her ways and happened to make a wrong decision concerning her medicine. It seems when her prescription ran out, she didn't get it refilled because at the time, she had some other things she needed to buy and didn't have enough money. This decision nearly cost her her life. Don't get me wrong....My aunt is no where near senility and is a very intelligent and independent woman but, at the time, she really didn't think things through and had her priorities in dis-array.

Right now, she's in very good care at a local hospital and recieving plenty of potassium as well as other medications that she desperately needs. I went to the hospital to visit her this evening and she seems to be doing much better. I think they're going to keep her for a few days just for observation purposes which I was very glad to hear. My aunt is my mentor. She's unlike any other woman I've ever known on the planet. She started teaching in 1944 and has won so many awards along with a list of interviews on television and newspaper articles. I am so proud of her. She has had a very full life and a very hard go of it in more ways than one. She is the mother of 6 children, all of whom live out of town with the exception of 2 daughters. ( one lives near here and her oldest daughter who passed away early in life)

She has seen so much in her life and can remember everything as if it had only happened yesterday. I can only hope to be half as smart and level-headed as her if I am lucky enough to reach her age. I do have one plea although it's not my place to say but I'm gonna say it anyway.......

It is my hope that her children will come home. I understand that they all have their own lives now but they only have one mother. The house in which she lives in is pretty large with alot of room for all of them and their children. I know it sounds crazy but I also know that they all love her and would be deeply distraught if they were to recieve a phone call saying that she'd passed away without them even getting to say goodbye to her. Of course I realize that this hope of mine can't possibly come to pass what with all of her children working. Their careers are in the places in which they live--not here. I guess I'm just wishing. Perhaps they can get some time off to come home for a visit.....

Anyway, I hope this is all the negative flow surrounding me for now. I'm searching for a rainbow of peace and happiness now......


Blogger Tim said...

wow zepplin, that's tough. I hope she gets better fast & remembers that getting those prescriptions filled is a priority....

7:40 PM, January 12, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...


Yes, indeed. I'm sure this will not be happening again. She now realizes that meds come first, regardless...

9:10 PM, January 12, 2006  

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