Saturday, September 03, 2005

Labor Day, A Thank-You to the Workers ........

Well, here we are folks. Another holiday is upon us and this is an important one for the workers of America. Labor Day. A day of tribute, respect, and admiration for working class people of the USA. It's about time!!!!! Workers deserve to be praised, especially now. I'm sure there are many who'll agree with me on that one. With all of the cuts going on whether it be a loss in wages/salary or cutting costs by layoffs. Or working with a skeleton crew, or having to juggle 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet, the average worker has a HUGE cross to bear. Not to mention the workload....The amount of work that's expected from workers today is indeed a SIN and a SHAME.

For those of you who are lucky enough to be off this weekend, I tip my hat to you and say, "Enjoy a WELL DESERVED Labor Day Weekend!!" And, for those of you, myself included, who have to work this weekend I say, "Our work is not done in vain, it's very much appreciated. If not by the employers, then by everyday people." And though it may be a silent praise or recognition, it's still there and welcome. I used to get upset over having to work the Labor Day holiday just for the simple fact that it was a holiday for the average "Joe worker" but now, I've come to realize that it was really silly to think that way. There are certain jobs or businesses that simply must remain open to the public 24/7. For instance; Hospitals. You can't close a hospital. People need them. What are you going to do if you get sick during the holiday, right? Grocery stores. You gotta eat. What ya gonna do, fast for the holiday? I could go on and on but you get the point.

So, the world can't be closed down for a weekend, that's just not logical. However; I do know something that would be nice. A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS . That's right, and this is what I mean by that.....
I mean while you're out this weekend, enjoying your days off, and you go somewhere like for example, out to eat or to the store or wherever you may go, and you have some sort of service from a worker, Show them your appreciation. Let them know that they are acknowledged. After all, don't we all want a pat on the back sometimes? It's a good feeling to know that your work doesn't go unnoticed. Believe me when I tell you, It'll make everyone involved feel good, I think. It's like a brotherhood. " The Brotherhood of Workers." Please do this. If not for yourself, for your fellow workers....

I'm not trying to preach, or shove any of my union-minded thinking down anyone's throat, I'm simply trying to show respect for the working class people of America. I'm a proud American Worker, what can I say? So if you come across this post on or before Labor Day, please pass it on. Thanks for stopping by and Have a safe and Happy Labor Day everybody!


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8:47 PM, September 03, 2005  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

Thanks Andy, you're there indullably....

7:55 AM, September 07, 2005  

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