Saturday, May 20, 2006

For the Inquiry Minds.....

Yes, it is I. I'm still walking this earth and trying to survive in the "scheme of things." I'm not trying to be a party pooper but I haven't had alot of time to really get on my site here and type away. I did notice the tag dabich, but I'm so late that I'll just pass on it. -- now don't you go pouting and stomping your feet. Smile....that's better. LOL I did enjoy reading your post. It was really nice!

I would however like to talk about one of my most favorite things: MUSIC

I can't help but love it, as you all know by now. Anyway, one day last week while I was at work, me and couple co-workers were listening to the radio, (K-SHE 95 - *94.7 on the tuner - REAL ROCK RADIO) and they normally play a wide variety of rock including: CLASSIC ROCK, HARD ROCK, METAL, & ALTERNATIVE ROCK, just to name a few styles. My fellow co-workers are a few years younger than me. I believe they're both 32 years old. I know for certain that one of them is very much in tune with music of many different eras and genres. The other person, I'm not so sure about. We did all agree with the music station that was on the radio. K-SHE95 has been a main source of rock in the St. Louis area for 38 years and still going strong! I have to admit that I really don't listen to K-SHE as much since the birth of satellite radio but it still has a place in my heart. The music in itself is great and the memories from my "teenage years" are often replayed in my mind whenever I listen to it. * Ahhhhh * ~ sigh ~

It always amazes me that no matter what age group, most times people can relate on many levels to CLASSIC ROCK. And that's a good thing. At the present time, I know a few people ranging in age from 15 - 20 somethings, who really dig listening to many of the various artists from the 60's and 70's. Even though this music was produced way before they were ever born and is still popular among many people in my age group and beyond, they (the younger listeners) have an interest in it. I think that's sooooooo cool!! Especially when they know alittle history along with their love for the songs. In other words, they aren't just listening to be hip or up on it with the crowd. They actually enjoy it for the artform. Anyway, as I was saying earlier, as the music was playing on the radio at work, a song came on from the late 80's - early 90's. I can't remember what song it was right now but when it started playing, one co-worker said to the other, " Now that's a good song! That's from ' our ' past when ' we ' grew up." -meaning the two of them- " Life was so much more simple back then." I just shook my head grinning, as I continued to work and watch them as they reminised. I really enjoy seeing how music can take anyone--regardless of their age, color, personality, beliefs or morals, and put them in a state of mind or take them to another place....if nothing else, for the length of time it takes for a single song to play. It's a beautiful thing.

Although I love music of all forms, I have a special love (undying actually) for the group: LED ZEPPELIN. - Please note the spelling on that - I can honestly say that I love their music so much that I would want a few of their songs played at my funeral....well, them and maybe some PINK FLOYD. Bet that made you choke on your coffee didn't it? But it's true. I know, I know, I'm starting to sound like I'm wiggin' out here but as weird as it may sound, I have often thought about things like that. I mean, being that I was born into music with my father being a musician and the way I feel about music in general, it would only be fitting that I have a musical send off. Only I know what songs mean the most to me so perhaps one day I'll sit down and arrange something like a "funeral arrangement" or something. HA-HA! Speaking of " THE GREAT ZEP ", every weekday on K-SHE95 at 5:00pm cst., they do something called: " THE DAILY DOSE ", and what that means is that they play 2 songs by LED ZEPPELIN every day at 5pm. ~aka~ (LED FOR THE HEAD!!!) It Rocks!

Today was alittle different at work. Normally, if music is played on the radio, there are only 2 radio stations of choice that typically are agreed on by everyone. -- or maybe I should say "tolerated." They are: KEZK - 102.5 (soft rock) which is along the lines of artists such as: PHIL COLLINS, ELTON JOHN, GLORIA ESTEFAN and the like. This station also throws in alittle country music once in a while. The other station played is : KLOU - 104.3 (oldies) which is in the 50's, 60's, and some 70's eras. So generally you'd hear music from artists like: ELVIS PRESLEY, THE SUPREMES, JAMES BROWN, THE TEMPTATIONS, and so on. But today, we listened to a country station......well, not all day but for a couple hours. It was : 93.7 - THE BULL. They play a wide range of country music by various artists including: TOBY KEITH, BROOKS & DUNN, SHANIA TWAIN, and FAITH HILL, to name a few. It was cool. Unfortunately, we're never allowed to listen to any R&B or RAP MUSIC STATIONS. No one likes that type of music except for me, and majority rules so, oh well. Thank goodness I enjoy all types of music 'cause it would suck if I didn't. Of all the music listed, I have to say that country is my least favorite but I do have some interest in it. For instance: right now, my favorite country song is " I BELIEVE " by BROOKS & DUNN. I really like the video also.

To me, music makes the day so much more pleasant. The time seems to go by much faster and the work seems to be more productive for everyone. It really sets a good mood and is truly a motivational tool. I hope that we are allowed to continue listening to the radio at work. It's a welcomed sound amidst the normal activity of the shop that we normally hear everyday like -- bandsaws, slicers, meat grinders, sausage stuffers, and wrapping machines. Yes, music is a very welcomed sound. The beat of the music goes well with the machinery noise if that makes any sense at all....LOL Also, I'm not sure about other places but in my area, most stores ( grocery, dept., discount outlets, etc...) have piped in music over the speakers for the customers to hear. It's good for business actually. It's a known fact that a company can sell more items to consumers if they're in a happy mood. That's a pretty smart selling technique--think about it. There's alot of thought put into it to. Certain styles of music are played at certain times of the day, depending on the customer flow. And certain genres are played depending on the community served. To me, that's very smart. I guess music really does make the world go 'round......


Blogger DaBich said... like Pumping up the volume to Godsmack in the car and driving along...I love music!!

6:48 PM, May 21, 2006  
Blogger Tim said...

I have a station here that I like, WMKK, that plays everything with no DJ's. I've heard them play the BeeGees, and Frank Sinatra within hours.

At my job, when I'm in the workshop I listen to this station. When I'm in the clean room, the only station we get is a classic rock station WFNK, I think. But it's all good. Music definitely makes the day go by sooooo fast. Or quicker than it would wothout it...

8:51 PM, May 21, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

I'm with you. Pump up the volume!! What's your favorite band/group, and do you have a preference as far as genre? I love it all but seem to play certain music depending on my mood. Like right now, I'm listening to jazz. It's around 9:30pm and I'm relaxing. BTW...if your interested, I found a really nice music site. It's on my links: Stereogum. Check it out. ;)

9:26 PM, May 21, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

WOW! That's a very nice mix on that radio station. (BeeGees & Blue Eyes within hours) I'd like that.

To me, classic rock seems to be a good "work-related" music. It's not too slow and just fast enough to keep you going at a steady pace. And, it's great music that many people can relate to. :)

9:32 PM, May 21, 2006  
Blogger Tim said...

do you have satellite radio? Perhaps you can tune it in.

Here is the radio station's web page for more information.

They have also played "99 Red Balloons" a few times. Hadn't heard THAT song in ages.

Sadly, as you know, most of the "classic rock" of today came out when we were kids!!! Makes me feel old.

9:55 PM, May 21, 2006  
Blogger DaBich said...

Zep ~ I love music of any kind but rap and country. I love the music I grew up with : Big hair bands, and disco. But I also love a lot of today's stuff too. Godsmack is my fav, it's kinda hard, but the beat is what catches me. Nickelback and Three Doors Down are great too!

3:35 AM, May 22, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

Yes, I do have sat. radio & it's the bomb!!! I'll have to check on that...thanks for the link. I love it!! -so much so that I've shared it on "my web"(via yahoo) with many people!

I used to love the song "99 Red Balloons" by Nina. I thought it was soooo cool to hear a German rock band. I still remember both videos.

I have to agree with ya on the "old feelings" green. But we can also think of Classic Rock as a stepping stone or entry way for much of today's music too. It's wisdom for the youth and well respected by many young people as well as the many bands of today.

10:24 PM, May 22, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!!

It's funny, back in the 80's, you couldn't tell the guys from the girls. LOL

I've got to check out Godsmack. I've heard of them but can't place any of their music.

I can hang with some country...some of the time but I have to admit, I like rap. (sorry);)

Nickelback & 3 Doors Down are *sweet* and I REALLY like Staind. I could go on and on and on....

10:53 PM, May 22, 2006  
Blogger DaBich said...

I saw Staind in concert...dayum they rock! Godsmack has several big all time fav id VooDoo. The beat just GETS me. Go to and check it out. It's heavy, but it's awesome. Just bought their new CD...I LOVE IT!

11:40 AM, May 23, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

Thanks for the link! I'm there!! :)

10:32 PM, May 23, 2006  

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