Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Back in the Saddle...Again (YEE-HAW!)

Hey all, I'm back! My 13 day hiatus has come to a close.(sigh...) Actually, It's not all so bad. I'm rejuvenated and ready to continue on with my normal, or somewhat abnormally, structured life in the workforce. I started back to work on Monday and so far, everythings' peachy keen. To tell the truth, I did very little on my 2 weeks of vacation which was kinda good 'cause it enabled me to enjoy the peace and solitude I so much was lacking in my life. I suppose I could say that with the absense of stress and abundance of free time acquired during the last 2 weeks, I was able to expand my horizons and explore my inner being. A mind is definately a terrible thing to waste and being able to finally take the time to open up, look, and develop new choices and thoughts was clearly an eye-opener for me. It gave me a new attitude on life and a great big swift kick into the reality of things. Honestly, I can say that I feel as though I am a much better person from it.
For example; I've decided to stop being so fearful. I said fearful and not overly cautious. I am naturally a cautious person so no need to worry there. I'm talking about being afraid of change or experimenting new frontiers. Asking more questions and challenging myself to do better. Taking those extra steps and trying to reach for a higher ground. A better stability. Regaining self control and wisdom and continuously learning, always learning. Whether it be from trial and error, or advise from friends (word of mouth) or my own reference. It's all about Progression. And that's what I want to do. Steady as she goes...

With that being said, I've decided to try my hand at writing, FOR REAL. I'm dabbling in book writing. It really seems so interesting to me at the moment. I guess you could say that this is a trial and error approach. It all came to me a few nights ago. I had some thoughts hovering inside my head and I jotted them down. I've been toying with this "writing" for a few days now. And I'm really enjoying it. I'm beginning to see a part of me that's never been revealed before. I'm truly amazed at what's inside of me. Will wonders never cease....The reason this is so exciting to me is because I've never been an avid book reader, nor into english lit. comp. or essays for that matter. I'm anxious to see if I continue on with this or go so far and get to a plateau or "writer's block" and lose interest down the road. All I know is that right now, I'm very much involved in it. Only time will tell......

I'm going to be posting some more pictures of my little animals on my other site soon:http://wwwgoodies.blogspot.com Just to let you all know, I finally posted a few pics of my turtle. She lives in the basement which is unfinished and alittle rusty around the furnace area but, she doesn't mind. She calls it home.

Well, it's getting around din-din time and I need to fix some vittles so I'll just say, It's good to be back and Here's to expanding minds and moving forward!
Ba Byeeeeeeeeee!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Technological Change

I can remember alittle over 10 years ago, hearing the term "Technological Change" for the first time. It was a time in which everyone was a lot more naive or novices to the advances in technology's ever changing path. The term alone was enough to make some people tense or uneasy, even scared to some degree.
Today, this "term" is a natural part of the english language as well as all nations around the globe. Just about everything in our lives revolves around and is enhanced by technological change. I can remember when I was a teenager, and the carphone came to be. It was nothing like the cellular phones of today but, it was just the beginning of the birth of a much needed mainstay in today's society.

I'm sure many of you realize how far computers have evolved. From little machines resembling typewriters with no monitors at all to the magnatude of monitors, hard drives, and wireless equipment such as PDA s, MP3 s, and bluetooth technology, just to name a small amount of the many gadgets on the market now-a-days. Amazing really, when you think of how far we've come in such a short period of time.

These are all positive things that make our lives more manageable as far as organization and productivity are concerned. And in our busy, fast-paced lives, the growth of technology is very convenient. My only hope is that we don't get "too comfortable." And, what I mean by that is, that we don't solely rely on these machines and gadgets so much that we forget how to do things for ourselves. There are times when machines malfunction due to bugs, defects, weather, and range among other things. I can't begin to tell you how many times my satellite t.v. loses its signal during a storm, which is not very good when you're relying on the news for the storm activity. Still, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I suppose the reason this is on my mind to begin with is because of what I noticed on my ride home this evening. For about 2 years now, I've noticed that the stoplights at major intersections, mainly in the south St. Louis City and County areas, have cameras attached to them. This is going to one day take the place of police officers who stop violators running red lights.(I'm assuming) It looks like they're finally starting to get into the process of connecting them and actually using them. I guess it's safe to say, "Big Brother will be watching."

Just to let you all know, today marks my third day of vacation and I can honestly say that I am well rested now. I've done alot of nothing with the exception of some light house chores and I feel completely refreshed. Tomorrow I'll start actually getting up and out and into the swing of things. I think everyone should get at least 4 weeks of vacation per year or more. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh....so nice! Of course I'll be surfing the net once in a while. Hmmmmmmm, maybe I should do a Google search on finding a techno-gadget to take care of any other household chores, laundry, or chauffeuring me around on my many jaunts while on vacation. Ha Ha, just a thought....

Sunday, September 11, 2005

A Nation United

Last evening, I watched the free concert on VH-1, for the victims of hurricane Katrina. I was emotionally moved by the footage shown of how a homeland can be completely devasted or demolished, for lack of better terms, by mother nature. Seeing the homes submerged in water and only knowing they were even there because of the tops of roofs sticking out of the water is awful. So many memories, hopes, and dreams, swallowed up in a sea of now dirty, and diseased filled water. They also showed people in "shelters" or places made into such. There was an interview with a young lady who had 7 children. Hearing her story of how they have to live from day to day in this "shelter" is so sad. How can we (The "UNITED STATES") not want to help in some way. No one deserves their lives to be turned upside down in this way. And the loss of life is unmentionable.

As I've often said in the past, music is truly the best form of communication. Everyone understands it. It's universal. And to see and hear the many musicians, artists and bands of all genres come together to help our fellow brothers and sisters is beautiful. It really is. I was suprised to find out that all music is derived from Louisiana. I didn't know this. I'm glad that all of the artists are acknowledging that fact. It's like not forgetting where your roots began and giving back to a place that opened so many different avenues in the music industry.

I listened to the many artists say over and over, "Give what you can." Those 4 words are embedded in my mind. Of course money is one of the primary funds needed for the victims. Any amount will help. However; if money is tight, there are plenty of other items to give. I am going to give what I can and I hope that everyone else will do their best to donate something as well. This is real. Don't think that just because it's only a buck or two, it won't help. Those twos and fews add up. I've got clothing and food and so much that I don't use as I'm sure you all do too. Just think about what you have, as you sit in your homes, and sleep in your beds, and have all of your family members....alive and well and, how would you feel to lose all of that, in just a blink of an eye? GONE! Can't imagine it can you? Don't want to, so please...help our people...

Friday, September 09, 2005

Bulletin Board

Just a note for the peeps in STL that still haven't heard about this.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

And for today's thoughts.......

I think today is a beautiful day well, with the exception of the humidity. I'm home early from work because business is slow. Everyone's out and about, enjoying themselves in one way or another. I still haven't mowed the lawn so it's really in desperate die or need of cutting. Not to sound as though I'm lazy or stalling but, I do have a few reasons for putting it off. For one thing, the lawnmower is in need of some repairs. The last time I mowed the lawn, I noticed the tires were in a bad way. You know how you see the strips of tire tread on the highway from trucks and cars? That's what was happening to my lawnmower. There is a good possibility that I brought this on myself. It's a Craftsman self-propelled mower and sometimes I have a tendency to leave it in gear even when I'm pulling it back towards me. Mind you, I know this is really kinda idiotic since it makes it harder on me but, I guess I get in a hurry and just don't think about it.

Anyway, when I noticed the tires I decided to do something just to fix them so I could finish the yard that day.....DUCT TAPE!!!! Yea, yea, that's right. That wonderful silver stuff used to fix things in a jiffy during hard times. I'm sure my neighbors were looking on in hysteria but I had to do something, right? So, after I managed to get the tape on the tires, I tryed starting the mower. TAAAAAAAAA ---DAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Of course, it wouldn't start. I don't know why but it just wouldn't. I decided to let it sit awhile and try again later. It eventually started up about 30 minutes later. I'm assuming it was flooded or something. Ok, so I'm not a mechanic.

I finally finished mowing the yard and made a mental note to go to Sears and either buy some new tires for the mower or just buy a new mower altogether. Prices are pretty cheap right now since summer's coming to an end. Which brings me to today.... I was coming home from work and I thought to myself, "I think I'll mow the lawn today since I'm home early." As I walked into the house, and started changing my clothes I thought, "Wait a minute, I never got the tires fixed!!" DARN... and it is awful humid out right now.......

So, needless to say, I'm not going to mow AGAIN. I am off work tomorrow so maybe, just maybe, I can get up early and make a trip to Sears and probably buy a new mower since It would take me forever to figure out how to replace the tires and this mower is about 10 years old. Yep, new mower, that's the ticket! Now if I can just figure out how to use a weed eater..... Ha Ha, it never ends......

And on the brighter side, I've got 3 count'em, 3 more days and my vacation starts. I still have to work on Sunday at my partime job but, after that I'll be off for 2 whole weeks!! Now, most normal people would be planning to go somewhere, perhaps out of town to get away from the same old hustle and bustle. A change of scenery, a place to get their minds off of whatever has been stressing them out. As for me, I've decided not to go anywhere. I was going to go fishing at Bull Shoals Lake, but when I go there, I like to rent an RV and camp. I'm not too much into the primitive way of camping. I'm also the type who likes to travel heavy....which means lots of work. And God knows I don't need anymore of that. I'm just gonna homestead it and relax. Maybe take in a few good movies, pamper myself at a local spa, do alittle fishing at some lakes nearby, and start walking again. To me, that sounds like heaven. So I'm a simpleton.......

Just like right now, this very moment, I'm in heaven. The mere fact of me knowing that I'm actually off of work tomorrow, and it's not even 5pm yet is such a good feeling to me. Working 7 days a week prevents you from taking anything for granted, especially free time. And now, without further adieu, I think I'm going to cuddle up with something to read and take a little nap. No cares, no worries, just total relaxation. MMMMMMMMMMMMM, I'm so there.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Labor Day, A Thank-You to the Workers ........

Well, here we are folks. Another holiday is upon us and this is an important one for the workers of America. Labor Day. A day of tribute, respect, and admiration for working class people of the USA. It's about time!!!!! Workers deserve to be praised, especially now. I'm sure there are many who'll agree with me on that one. With all of the cuts going on whether it be a loss in wages/salary or cutting costs by layoffs. Or working with a skeleton crew, or having to juggle 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet, the average worker has a HUGE cross to bear. Not to mention the workload....The amount of work that's expected from workers today is indeed a SIN and a SHAME.

For those of you who are lucky enough to be off this weekend, I tip my hat to you and say, "Enjoy a WELL DESERVED Labor Day Weekend!!" And, for those of you, myself included, who have to work this weekend I say, "Our work is not done in vain, it's very much appreciated. If not by the employers, then by everyday people." And though it may be a silent praise or recognition, it's still there and welcome. I used to get upset over having to work the Labor Day holiday just for the simple fact that it was a holiday for the average "Joe worker" but now, I've come to realize that it was really silly to think that way. There are certain jobs or businesses that simply must remain open to the public 24/7. For instance; Hospitals. You can't close a hospital. People need them. What are you going to do if you get sick during the holiday, right? Grocery stores. You gotta eat. What ya gonna do, fast for the holiday? I could go on and on but you get the point.

So, the world can't be closed down for a weekend, that's just not logical. However; I do know something that would be nice. A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS . That's right, and this is what I mean by that.....
I mean while you're out this weekend, enjoying your days off, and you go somewhere like for example, out to eat or to the store or wherever you may go, and you have some sort of service from a worker, Show them your appreciation. Let them know that they are acknowledged. After all, don't we all want a pat on the back sometimes? It's a good feeling to know that your work doesn't go unnoticed. Believe me when I tell you, It'll make everyone involved feel good, I think. It's like a brotherhood. " The Brotherhood of Workers." Please do this. If not for yourself, for your fellow workers....

I'm not trying to preach, or shove any of my union-minded thinking down anyone's throat, I'm simply trying to show respect for the working class people of America. I'm a proud American Worker, what can I say? So if you come across this post on or before Labor Day, please pass it on. Thanks for stopping by and Have a safe and Happy Labor Day everybody!