Sunday, November 19, 2006

It's that time again. GOBBLE GOBBLE.....

Does anyone have any special plans for the The Thanksgiving holiday? I normally cook a large feast but this year, I'm just gonna go for something small. I'll have a turkey but it's not going to be very big. ( 10lbs. ) I'm also going to have a small boneless ham. I already have it and it's just the cutest little thing ! It looks just like a little football. lol It's just enough though. I don't need to have tons and tons of food 'cause that just tends to make me eat more and also, it ends up being wasted.

I'm still struggling with my weight issue but I also realize that this time of year is the absolute hardest time to lose weight. I'm not doing too bad but I could be doing a lot better too. I've recently received a renewal notice from Bally's Total Fitness gym and it's not too bad a price. Right now, they're offering me a yearly membership of $98.00. - which is really pretty cheap ! I'm debating on taking that or waiting for the next notice which should be even cheaper ! I remember one time, they sent a notice for only $78.00 per year. That's the one I'd like. Guess I'll be holding out a bit longer.....or not. I really should just go ahead and join now because as soon as the holidays are over, the gyms will be extremely crowded. Right now, I'd have free reign and be able to use any machines I want without having to wait while someone is in the middle of doing their sets. Decisions, decisions...

Anyway, I hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving ! And are what you eat.....Enjoy !

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are what you I'm a big fat turkey? I guess you'd be a turkey and a ham then LOL.

I struggle with weight issues too but I know I'm not as bad as I think I am. I could stand to lose about 20...maybe 30 if I wanted to really go crazy. I try not to stress about it too much and just take things in moderation instead of denying myself things. I'm also going to look at getting a gym membership here soon and maybe a personal trainer, someone to kick my ass and make me work out. I find that if I have an appointment with someone and I'm paying money, I'll do it, if I don't then I'll blow it off. If I have someone watching me, making me do it, I'll do it just to "prove myself" or something. At least that helps me.

2:54 PM, November 20, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...


You're right. I'd be both. Now how would you pronounce them together as one?
A hurkey? No.....or maybe A tam?

Heck I could stand to lose 100 but who's counting? :)
But seriously, some of us really have a hard uphill battle when it comes to weight loss. I know I do.
I don't wanna be a " yo - yo " dieter either but that's pretty much what seems to happen with me.
The best times for success for me are when I'm in what I call positive mode. This is when everything seems to be falling into place in my life and my motivation is on top of the world ! Honestly, I don't have to be in the middle of having " the perfect life " as long as I have my motivation. Once I lose that, ( and I always end up doing just that ) I lose the battle, EVERY TIME ..... Also, I'm not a fan of any of those miracle fat burning diet pills nor am I into meal replacement. These things only work for a little while , that is until your body gets used to them and they no longer work for you.

I agree with you. Personal Trainers are definitely that way to go. It's all about Motivation, Determination, will power, and wanting to make that change in your life.

1:25 AM, November 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have done the yo yo dieting thing too, tried the pills and you're right, they don't work. I have the added problem of being slightly to moderately insulin resistant which causes my body to hold onto carbs/sugars more and change them into fat and not convert them to energy as well as "normal" people's bodies. It's not the same thing as diabetes as my body produces plenty of insulin, my body just needs more of it to convert carbs and sugars and therefore the process is slower and more gets turned to fat and not burned off. The ONLY diet I ever found that worked for me is the South Beach Diet because it restricts "bad" carbs and really does work if you can get past the first two weeks. I lost about 12 pounds in two weeks on it. The only problem is that a lot of the dishes are seafood and I don't like seafood at all, so it was hard for me to stay on it longterm. However, if you like seafood it would be easy. I've heard now that any seafood dish you can substitute chicken in so I may go back on it and try it again. The other thing that made it hard for me is that I'm a soda-holic and I haven't found any diet soda's that I can stand to drink and I'm not a big fan of water and fruit juices have just as much sugar and calories as soda does (something most people don't know) They have more vitamins of course, but that doesn't help when you're trying to cut sugars and calories.

6:48 PM, November 21, 2006  
Blogger DaBich said...

We're having a turkey breast with stuffing and the hubby, daughter, and stepson. it will be nice :)

Wait for the cheaper membership, then jump on it!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Zep! HUGZ!

4:52 AM, November 22, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...


Yea, I've found that everyone reacts differently to the many different diets ( lifestyle changes) - I prefer to call it that - there are available out there. You have to find what works best for you and then follow through with it. The only thing that I have a problem with is the fact that if a certain plan deprives you of too many foods, you tend to fail more easily. Too much " unacceptable foods " listed in these plans can only cause you to want them all the more. I find that my best success comes from the old traditional way....PUSH BACK FROM THE TABLE ! If you learn to control your portions by measuring at first until you get the feel and eye for it, it'll come second nature in no time. I feel that when you're allowed to have all the foods that are out there, you tend to feel more at ease and less restricted so, therefore, you don't have tendencies to rebel or go into those crazy downhill spiral cravings that make you out to be that of a scavenger. I also learned that when you first feel that hunger urge, sometimes that's not really what it is at all. Sometimes your body is just telling you that you're thirsty. If you can manage to drink so water first before each meal, it too will help you lose wait !

12:16 AM, November 23, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...


Mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm MMMMMMMM!! - sounds very good !

I may just do that dabich. Of course now, they'll probably send me an outrageous amount because they know
that everyone will be wanting to join especially now in the thick of the holiday and the other two holidays coming up. Yea, I may just have to pay a little more . Who knows....... Happy ThanksGiving !

12:30 AM, November 23, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

Hi constant, - Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!
My dinner plans are pretty much set for quite some time now.
Leftovers for the rest of the week. Turkey, turkey, and more turkey. lol

3:30 AM, November 25, 2006  

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