Well isn't this special....
How to Impress a Woman
1. Compliment her.
2. Respect her.
3. Honor her.
4. Cuddle her.
5. Kiss her.
6. Caress her.
7. Love her.
8. Stroke her.
9. Tease her.
10. Comfort her.
11. Protect her.
12. Hug her.
13. Hold her.
14. Spend money on her.
15. Wine and dine her.
16. Listen to her.
17. Care for her.
18. Stand by her.
19. Support her.
20. Go to the ends of the Earth for her.
1. Show up naked.
2. Bring food.
Don't forget under How to Impress a Man...
Don't ask for anything resembling a commitment.
Don't expect them to be honest.
Let them do whatever the hell they want even if it hurts you and don't say a word.
Just my experience anyway...
dream...you haven't found the right man. But don't give up, he comes along when you're NOT looking ;)
Funny post Zep!
Oh I have, I'm with a great guy now...but he really is "one in a million" I think...or one in 5 million...or 2 billion..or something.
lol, or something ;)
I like those four points better than the ones I posted. LOL
You're right on the mark gurl.
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! :)
constant rain,
Hey hunnny! Don't sweat it gurl, we all get busy sometimes. It's just nice that we check in on each other from time to time. BTW....be careful hun 'cause ya never know. Scribe might be lurking in that "million, billion" and headed your way! LMAO
shoulod I even join the fray???
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