Monday, September 18, 2006

I'm back again.....

Two days later......

I'm here but not sure for how long. I took my computer into BestBuy for repairs and they ran a complete diagnostic test on my hard drive. It passed with flying colors they said. I still seem to have that awful clicking noise when I shut down the computer. They seem to think that it' s nothing. I disagree with them. I have this awful feeling that if I don't take my pc in to a different shop to have it looked at again, it's going to crash. That would be the worst. I'm going to make a few phone calls today to see what advise I can get about it. I was going to buy a brand new hard drive but the salesmen talked me out of it. A couple friends also told me that I didn't need to buy a new one. The salesmen said that it would be silly to buy new when my computer is just as good as the new models. Also, he said that there would be a limited variety right now everywhere. It's that time of year. I feel that he must be right since he stopped me from giving him a sale, right?

Anyway, only time will tell.... hopefully I'll get things on track here soon. I did purchase more RAM and my computer is running very fast now. It was very slow and sluggish so, that's nice. I also bought a sound card so that I can have my headset plugged in at all times and keep my speakers plugged in all the time too. This way, I can either chat on the mic or listen through the speakers without ever having to disconnect either one. I know, I'm lazy. LOL
At least I didn't spend a fortune trying to get things back to normal. Well, not yet anyway. Wish me luck.....


Blogger DaBich said...

Computer problems are so frustrating! I don't know what to say, but a second opinion won't hurt!
Welcome back :)

10:15 AM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...

Did you ask me to RAM something? Or was I just, you know, imagining things?

7:05 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know me, I just read random blogs, but it sounds to me like it could be a fan problem with your computer. I had this happen once and it made sort of a clicking then later a grinding noise after awhile. It isn't a big deal, it's a pretty cheap fix, but if it's the fan and it goes out and you don't get it fixed, it can cause your computer to overheat and screw up other things which could lead to a more expensive fix later. I'd get it checked out elsewhere, but I wouldn't worry too much about it being something serious.

8:41 PM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

Yea, tell me about it! I've gotten a second opinion from a friend and it seems that this may not be as serious as I thought. We'll see...It's good to be back gurl! *HUGS*

Hi scribe,
Only God and the devil know what goes on that head of yours! lol
How ya been? I see you're still your old chipper self. :)
Thanks for stoppin' by.

Thanks for the information. I appreciate it! I'll do that. :)

11:49 AM, September 19, 2006  
Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...

I don't let depression stop me from being a smart-ass.

3:29 PM, September 19, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

Great!! That's all I need...
A smart-ass depressed person.
Look! Don't be thinkin' that because
I'm short I won't come over there near
Canada and whoop your behind! You better
put a smile on that face!

That's better...:)

8:14 PM, September 20, 2006  

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