Saturday, September 30, 2006

Just one question....

Reuters - Thu Sep 28, 6:19 AM ET
An undated handout photograph released on September 27, 2006 shows Lee Redmond of the U.S. who has won entry into the latest edition of Guinness World Records September 28, 2006 with the world's longest fingernails. EDITORIAL USE ONLY NO ARCHIVES NO SALES REUTERS/Drew Gardner/GWR/Handout (BRITAIN)

How in the HELL does she do anything????!!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I'm going into my third day of getting back into the swing of things, after being off of work for 2 weeks and quite honestly, it's not as bad as it normally is. I'm normally grumpy and miserable. You know, the not wanting to go back blues....
I'm not feeling that way this time. I don't know if that's good or bad. There was a slight difference in my time off this time. I WAS COMPLETELY ALONE. Normally, I have some company once in a while but not this time. I must admit that it was rather nice but I also have to admit that being alone like, ALL THE TIME can get old. At least for me it can. I mean, if I were to go out more I suppose it wouldn't be so bad but to simply go day after day by myself with no one to talk to would just drive me nuts! I do appreciate the privacy and freedom. I just don't know if I'd like it ALL OF THE TIME. Who knows....

I've just awakened from what seems to have been a short nap. I don't feel very rested today. I've got my coffee maker on so I'll be waking up soon. I gotta have my caffeine in the morning. Have you ever stopped to think about the many addictions we have in life hovering around us? We have so many things to choose from if we desire them. Well, there's caffeine which is something the majority of people in the world are addicted to in one way or another. I've cut down my caffeine intake considerably. I do have 1 - 2 cups of coffee per day and maybe one diet soda which is much better than what I used to consume. There was a time that I'd avoided it at all costs. That was a weird experience but as time went on, I'd gotten used to it. I'm not sure how it crept back into my life but IT'S BACK! lol
Tobacco is another addiction. I was just talking about this with a friend yesterday. It's a major addiction for me and quite frankly, I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever be strong enough to fight this habit again. Unfortunately, I've already purchased a supply of nicotene patches since I was in the process of quitting awhile ago. They were quite expensive and their expiration date is for 2008 so I guess I'd better start thinking a bit more about that, eh? Hmmmmmmm.....

Let's see...other addictions....
There's sex but, well, you have to have that to be addicted to it, right?..AHEM...NEXT!!!

Alcohol is something isn't it. I can honestly say that I'm not addicted to that because I hardly drink any at all. Not even the occassional glass of wine in the evening. Truth be known, I've had a case of Bud Light beer in my refridgerator for about 6 or more months now!! Yep, that's right. Close your mouths. I know some of you are like, "What the hell are ya doin'?" I'm sure it's way past it's date for tasting good by now. Guess I should throw it out. Hehehe...I'm sure I've made some enemies now....

Drugs....I've no use for them. 'Nuff said....

Gambling. Now, this is a biggie. So many people are active gamblers and not one of them will admit to having a problem. I'm not saying that if you play the lottery once in awhile or go to a casino on occassion that you're addicted but come on.... Lets face it. You know there's a problem when you spend your hard earned money on this not knowing if you'll have enough money to pay your bills for the month or buy your groceries for the week but you just want to try to win big so you can do these things. THAT'S A PROBLEM! So many people gamble on a weekly or even a daily basis and see nothing wrong with it. I suppose if you're livin' large enough, it really doesn't matter but, if you're just the common person out there trying to make ends meet better stop and think about that. I know I can't afford it. Nope, can't do it...

So, since I've seemed to have gone off into a rambling spree about addictions for reasons beyond my comprehension, I guess I'd better just stop here and say what I was intending to say from the start. Happy Hump Day everybody! I hope you enjoy the rest of your week and try to avoid some of life's addictions or at least cut down on them a bit. Oh yea, one usage. That's me! I'm TOODLESSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A Little Cyber Poem

We met upon the Internet,
A friendship electronic,
Expressed alone in words and thoughts,
Inevitably platonic.

We live too far apart for us
To mingle in the flesh,
But much more close than family,
Our hearts and feelings mesh.

Your dear, dear self reveals itself
Without a voice or face.
We have our own sweet home within
Our precious cyberspace.

I found this recently on twisted love poems. It doesn't seem that twisted, more a sad commentary on an all too common occurence in Cyberspace....



Monday, September 18, 2006

I'm back again.....

Two days later......

I'm here but not sure for how long. I took my computer into BestBuy for repairs and they ran a complete diagnostic test on my hard drive. It passed with flying colors they said. I still seem to have that awful clicking noise when I shut down the computer. They seem to think that it' s nothing. I disagree with them. I have this awful feeling that if I don't take my pc in to a different shop to have it looked at again, it's going to crash. That would be the worst. I'm going to make a few phone calls today to see what advise I can get about it. I was going to buy a brand new hard drive but the salesmen talked me out of it. A couple friends also told me that I didn't need to buy a new one. The salesmen said that it would be silly to buy new when my computer is just as good as the new models. Also, he said that there would be a limited variety right now everywhere. It's that time of year. I feel that he must be right since he stopped me from giving him a sale, right?

Anyway, only time will tell.... hopefully I'll get things on track here soon. I did purchase more RAM and my computer is running very fast now. It was very slow and sluggish so, that's nice. I also bought a sound card so that I can have my headset plugged in at all times and keep my speakers plugged in all the time too. This way, I can either chat on the mic or listen through the speakers without ever having to disconnect either one. I know, I'm lazy. LOL
At least I didn't spend a fortune trying to get things back to normal. Well, not yet anyway. Wish me luck.....

Friday, September 15, 2006

Another Disappearing Act.....

This is just a note to let whoever would be interested in knowing that I'll be gone for a few days. (what else is new, right?) I won't be fishing but I posted the picture 'cause it seemed appropriate. This time, my absence will be due to technical issues. To be more precise, my hard drive seems to be failing and before it completely crashes and I lose anything of value, I figured I'd better take it in for repair.

Of course I'm going to have major withdrawals without my internet usage for a few days so I think my best bet is to stay busy and keep my mind occupied. ( I know, pathetic aren't I) I will still be able to use my email from my cell phone, I'm assuming. I should be able to. Anyway, that's what's happening in my little world of fun. So, Have a great weekend everyone and I'll see ya in a few days! TOODLES.......

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Eight facts/things/habits, about know, Zepplinlady...

Well, I've been tagged. How that happened is beyond me since I'm hardly ever around anymore. LOL So, without further adieu, here's my list.....

1. I am an extremely shy individual. Even though I may not seem so shy around any of you, I tend to be quite the quiet, apprehensive type around people. Especially on first meetings.

2. I've been employed at the same place for a total of 19 years. I haven't changed my job classification/rank because it was in my best interest to stay right where I am. I'm not in management so therefore, no headaches and I have the job knowledge to be left alone to do my own thing. I kinda like it that way.

3. I am a heavy smoker. As you all know already, I attempted to quit and did so for only 17 days but I am also in the process of trying to lose weight so something had to give. I chose the weightloss. HEY! 40 LBS. LOST SO FAR!! YIPPEE!!

4. I love music and am an avid collector of vintage vinyl albums, cassettes, 8-track tapes, and cds. I even like the old 78's and 45's. (although I've recently joined the ipod bandwagon. LOL

5. I absolutely have an undying obsession of looking at sexy men. Especially men in uniform: firefighters, policemen, mailmen,repairmen... (I'm teased on a regular basis by my co-workers about firemen and repairmen with their toolbelts but....I won't go into that right now)

6. I truly enjoy writing poetry although I'm not a professional poetess as I'm sure everyone can tell. I feel so free and mellow when the words begin to flow from inside my mind. It's a good feeling.

7. I have one half sister from my mother's prior marriage and one half brother also from my mother's prior marriage. I've never met him before though. He's one of those people who can't seem to get over the color barrier. ('course there is no barrier but, he seems to think that there is..) oh well, his loss...

8. I have 2 other websites/blogs and am really having a hard time maintaining them. They are:
Okay, guess I have to tag some people.
How 'bout Bluez, Scribe, and ~K~...

Monday, September 11, 2006

9-11-2001 ~ A Tribute ~ We Shall Never Forget....

candle2.gif (1450 bytes) For all the victims and volunteers killed in the terrorist attack on New York, the Pentagon, and the four high jacked flights.

September 11, 2001

A candle in burning for the victims and an entire nation's tears are falling for the families and friends of so many.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Beautiful Wallpapers

These are some nice wallpapers I ran across and just wanted to share them. I really like them and hope you will too.