Thoughts on Graffiti
As I was driving home one evening, I had the unfortunate occurence (or so I thought) of having to come to a complete halt for a train to pass along the tracks in a nearby neighborhood. At first, I was feeling inconvenienced and thinking about making a u-turn and going home a different way but, as the train began to move along the tracks in front of me, I saw some of the most beautiful graffiti art painted on the sides of the boxcars.
Although I realize that most graffiti is done on private property and is illegal, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the beautiful display of pictures and words that slowly moved along the tracks before me. It was truly amazing and of course, I didn't even think to take any pictures. (wouldn't ya know it...) The pictures I'm showing are just some images I found by keying in "train graffiti" just to validate my point of the artistry displayed.
Art is a form of expression and these "vandals" as many people refer to them, are true artists. It's a God-given talent and a real shame that there is no happy medium regarding this issue. If only there were a way for the art to be displayed in such a way as to promote the railroad or buildings even, where their "marks" are so consistently painted. You have to admit that most trains leave alot to be desired in appearance. They're just mere boxcars with nothing on them most of the time and once in a while a company name of some sort is on a few but normally, they just look bare and unappealing. It makes for a boring, long and frustrating time for the person who sits and waits for that agonizing "never-ending" line of cars to pass.

When you have some pictures and writings to look at as the train passes by, at least it gives the driver and/or passengers something to do other than just sit there wondering how long the train is, or how much time will be wasted sitting and waiting for that there train to pass. I'm sure many of you will disagree with this post but that's okay. I'd love to hear your opinions on this issue.

When you have some pictures and writings to look at as the train passes by, at least it gives the driver and/or passengers something to do other than just sit there wondering how long the train is, or how much time will be wasted sitting and waiting for that there train to pass. I'm sure many of you will disagree with this post but that's okay. I'd love to hear your opinions on this issue.
Where I grew up, in a wee small town, the train went by my house just across the road a bit. As a child, I loved to race over and wave to the conductor, and squealed when he waved back and blew the "horn". As I grew up, I loved to catch the grafitti on the cars. Some of it was nasty (always the ones who have to spoil it), but most of it was kewl. I evied the artists their ability to do such "cool" things.
I'ts definitely against the law, but as you say, wouldn't it be something if the artists and the owners could come to some sort of agreement on doing this???
The way you describe your town and the train, "just across the road a bit" from your house, sounds so nice and peaceful. I'd have loved that as a child. Ya know, scribe would probably know a solution to this. He knows EVERYTHING. LOL
Oh yea, if you haven't done so yet, check on constant and see what's up with her blog... I hope she can get it up and running again.
yes that's exactly what he needs....
whassup wit constant's big blue void???
Most of the train graffiti I have seen was not nearly as nice.
In fact they made the boxcars look worse.... if you can believe that...
Zep ~ it was, trust me. Those were the days :)
green ~ some of it was nasty, but a lot of it was colorful and just plain cool.
Funny, I was in a country-like setting last evening and it reminded me of the description of your town. It was sooooooooooooo nice!
If you're not aware, constant is back.
I've seen some beautiful grafitti as well as some down right crap. Like dabs said, "the ones who have to spoil it." ...but most of the time, it's pretty nice.
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