Tuesday, January 31, 2006


1. RESTROOM PRIVACY (status = amusing) :
Have you ever been in a public restroom minding your own business and doing what you need to do when all of a sudden, right in the middle of things, a person either enters the restroom or was already in there when you entered and they decide to start holding a conversation with you?? This seems to happen to me quite alot. It's bad enough if you know the person but when it's a complete and total stranger, it just boggles my mind. I find it so funny. The topic they choose can be on just about anything from A - Z of course excluding the common question : "Excuse me but could you please pass me some toilet tissue?" I'm not sure how often this question is asked in the men's restroom or if it's ever asked at all. I know you guys have urinals as well as stalls although as I'm reading and typing this it would sound alittle feminine asking that question in that way but I'm sure it's happened on occasion. It's a regular occurence with women and really holds no relevance to what I'm referring to but anyway, here is a perfect example:
A few days ago while at work, i went to the restroom that we share with our customers. A woman entered in right behind me and i naturally chose to use the smaller stall leaving the larger handicapped one available. This is pretty much a regular habit with me out of respect for people who may need the larger one. Anyway, as I'm using the facility, out of the blue this woman says, "It's a beautiful day today, don't ya think?" I don't want to be rude so i answer her by saying, "Yes it is a very nice day today." I'm assuming that she's said all she's going to say but then she continues with a complete conversation telling me about all of her plans and how she's going to spend her whole entire day, and "BLAH, BLAH BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH." Geez Louise!!! As i exit the stall and go over to the sink to wash my hands, she's still talking. Did i happen to mention that she was very long-winded?? It seemed as though her sentences had no periods. One just flowed into the next making it hard for me to get a word in edge-wise, much less trying to throw in a quick "Enjoy your day, ma'am." so i could leave in a proper manner and get back to work. LOL As she approached the hand sink, i moved out of her way while drying my hands, and she began washing her hands....you guessed it, and still TALKING! I began edging my way over to the door to leave but had to pause while she finished drying her hands since she was of course still in the middle of one of her neverending sentences. Finally as luck would have it, she took a breath. I couldn't believe it. I smiled at her opening the door and she followed behind me and guess what??? The conversation ended--that is, if you could call it that. As soon as we exited the restroom and stepped out onto the salesfloor, she didn't utter another word. Not a "good-bye" or "It was nice talking to you" nope. Not even a peep. I was dumbfounded as well as laughing my butt off in my head. She wasn't a very old woman but perhaps she was just lonesome and wanted someone to talk to or maybe she just liked to hear herself talk. Who knows? All i know is that some people are strange....AND FUNNY AS HELL!! LMAO
2. CELLPHONE USAGE IN RESTROOMS (status = freaks me out)
Since i'm on the subject of conversations in strange places, i may as well throw this one in too.
*Cellphone users please take note*
No matter how clean a restroom looks to you, it still contains many forms of bacteria, germs and diseases and is definately not a good place for cellphone use--besides, it's also really quite tacky in my opinion. Who wants to talk on the phone while taking care of their business?.....know what i mean? I see and hear so many people using cellphones in public restrooms and i often wonder if any of them ever realize how gross that is. Just imagine this:
From the time you enter the restroom opening the door, and open the door to the stall, you've most likely picked up bacteria on your hands. Now, as you sit down to take care of your business, you either recieve a call or even worse, make one and now you're about to place your phone up against your ear and mouth with your hands which have touched areas that many other people have already touched in an area, (the stall) where you know that no one has clean hands because.....well, it's the bathroom stall. There's no sink in there and you know what happens in there so how can that be sanitary? I'm not a clean freak but that's just down right yucky. It also makes it hard to figure out if the person is actually speaking to you or not. ( in the beginning).....LOL
3. TOTAL INTERNET USAGE (status = extremely amusing)
I'm sure that i'm not the only person on the planet without a problem discussing my use on the internet but there are many people who seem to have big issues with this. Why are people in general so apprehensive about discussing they're total internet usage? Can someone give me a clue here 'cause i honestly don't get it. I can only assume that being that the internet is associated with porn in some instances, that some people think that's all that happens on here and don't want anyone to think they are looking at it. Well, just because you're online, it doesn't mean that you're looking at porn. That's silly. I also feel that many people associate frequent internet use with being lonely--and you know how vain some people can be so they don't want anyone to know if they are. Again i say.....People are truly funny characters. Outside of my blogging, i basically enjoy playing card and board games, chatting with people, listening to music, researching and just surfing around like anyone else. No harm done. It's fun, atleast it is for me. I just think it's so funny how people react whenever you talk about anything regarding "the net". Here's an example:
I was with a friend a few weeks back and we were talking about some recipes we'd found on the net and i referred to an "internet friend " who had found a nice website for cooking a particular beef roast--That's it.....STOP THE PRESSES!! My friend immediately said, " Oh, you actually talk to people on there? That's not good, I don't mess with that--besides, i'm not online enough for that." As she was saying that, i noticed her head moving up to the sky with her nose up in the air and her voice seemed to change in a tone sounding somewhat like a "little miss can't be wrong" and if i were to close my eyes, i could've envisioned her being some rich socialite. I started laughing because i hear that same quote every time i mention chatting with people on the net. I mean there are times when people don't freak out about it but it's very rare. It seems that so many people view the internet in a black shroud and sickle waving that finger at you to come closer to the grim reaper...."BOOWAAAAAA, IT'S YOUR TIME, I'VE COME TO GET YOU NOW!!!!" - Or - If you're an internet user, you must be severely punished.... " AND THE gods OF HELL FIRE SHALL COME UPON YOU AND SWALLOW YOU UP AND YOUR SOUL SHALL BURN IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!" WTF is up with that????? ROFLMAO--that's hillarious!
I understand that the internet is host to danger just like anyplace else and there are many different types or caliber of people, some of whom may wish to do you harm in some way or another but you can't barracade yourself from things you don't know about. ( the fear of the unknown) Where would we be if all people were like that? Use your noggin and alittle common sense and you'll have nothing to fear but fear itself.....Oh yea, i also need to mention the fact that this is the same woman who always seems to have an opinion or comment to throw into the conversation when she and i along with some of our other friends are discussing some news or funny stories we've come across on here recently. I wonder how she sees these things if she's hardly ever online? A "closet internet user." YOUR BUSTED..... AH HA!!
4. OUR ECONOMY (status = scared sh*tless )
I was having a discussion with a co-worker yesterday about the average person trying to make ends meet and he was telling me about an article he'd read in the newspaper. He said that according to this article, the average couple with 2-3 children needs to earn an annual income of at least $120,000 to afford just the "bare minimal essentials" meaning: clothing, a roof over their heads, and food on their table to live. If they want to have any recreation or entertainment in their lives well, that's gonna cost extra. That's a real travesty but it's true. I heard on the news yesterday that the U.S. is spending more money than we're making and that my friend is just plain SPOOKY....
We seem to be on a downward spiral and the ground is coming at us so fast that before we realize it, we'll have reached a point of no return--and i'm not gonna say the "C" word but that may just be our future. I hope not but that sure seems to be where we're headed; what with so many plants and businesses closing down one right after the other leaving so many people out of work and headed to uncertain futures. Corporate greed and downsizing and all. Times sure have changed. Somethin's gotta give here folks.....'cause time is definately not on our side.


Blogger Tim said...


Some of the things you point out are very weird - habits people have.

RESTROOM PRIVACY- I'll rarely talk to a stranger in a public bathroom, unless I'm at a ball game or other sporting related event. And in that case the conversation would always be about the game and never what my plans are or personal questions. This freaks me out in most cases.

CELL PHONE USAGE IN THE RESTROOM- I have to admit, I've done this on occasion. More frequently than I realize, probably. I understand about the germs thing but this doesn't really bother me.

TOTAL INTERNET USAGE- I'll be the first to admit I'm online all of the time when I'm not working or sleeping. There's no harm in it and you can meet some cool people whom otherwise you might never meet. This is a big reason I love the blogger...

OUR ECONOMY-Scares me too becasue Dubya doesn't give a rat's poop about it. He's too busy worrying about his wars & supreme court appointments. I think our economy will only get worse until Bush's term as prez is done. But the economy is cyclical. It'll get better someday, though it is scary about the cost of living for just "the basics".

5:26 PM, February 01, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

Thanks for your opinions. What can i say, I'm a "people watcher." And their habits are quite entertaining.

....the last item was purely for venting purposes.

8:19 PM, February 03, 2006  
Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...

ooo, may I steal this?

1:58 PM, February 18, 2006  
Blogger Zeppelinlady said...


My dear man I know that stealing is not one of the things you're teaching at your church...or is it? ;))

8:40 PM, February 19, 2006  

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