Here i am, about to begin, Another tale from deep within. A tattered page from an opened book, For all to come and take a look. With nothing to gain, it seems so clear, I need to do alittle venting here. Feeling heavy hearted and letting go with a sigh, Life seems to be just passing me by. Working from the dawn, into the night, Seven days a week, just don't seem right. All of my time and energy I'm giving, With nothing left for the land of the living. A much needed change is my one true goal, Before i fall into the dark, desolate, hole. A hole filled with regret, and could've and should've been, A hole many people seem to fall down in. Well, not this girl i watch, from the outside looking in, She's gonna find some strength, from deep down within. She's gonna build a life, and begin again, She's gonna stop bitchin' and moanin' and then........ She's gonna LIVE, yes live in spite of it all, Regardless if no one ever comes to call. The most important thing is her, or me, i should say, Making the most of my life in my own special way. Another chapter in the old book is closed, I must move on to the next episode. And i will, yes i will, From now on and Until............
Ever have one of them days when you just can't seem to get things into a positive perspective? Makes you wanna say "If it weren't for bad luck you'd have no luck at all." It's like a snowball effect, it starts out as a little ball of crap and then as the day goes on the ball keeps rolling and accumulating (more crap) and before you know it, the day has ended and you have a .....well, you get the picture. I've had many days like this, and one stands out in my mind. A few weeks ago, I was on my way to work. No biggie, right? I'm driving along and I happened to notice one of the gauges on my truck looking abnormal. --- the battery was in the red!! I totally panicked since i know nothing at all about vehicle maintenance, except to get the oil changed occasionally. The time was 5:30 am and all i could think of was if I turn the truck off, it's not going to start again. So, I decided to drive straight to the dealership and wait for them to open so they could take a look at it. At this point, I realized I was going to have to call my work to let them know I was having car problems...... (didn't wanna do that, but I had no choice) I'm a bundle of nerves at this point 'cause I hate having any kind of car trouble, and of course I had to ask that all time stupid question: "WHAT ELSE CAN HAPPEN?" Believe it or not, as soon as that question crossed my mind, and I mean the split second that I thought it, there was this loud pinging noise on my windshield. Yep, u guessed it.....A ROCK!!! What are the chances of this happening????? There were no cars in front of me, although I was on the highway. There was a truck in the lane to my right, alittle ahead of me. Needless to say, I wished I'd never asked that question. lol I finally arrived at the dealership[it's 6:00am now] I was the first car there, unfortunately they don't open until 7:00 and the mechanics don't arrive until 7:30 and.....they don't start until 8am. Happy Happy Joy Joy!! Soooooooooooo, I sit, and sit, and sit, with the truck running the whole time . Believe me when I tell ya, this day started out crappy and just got worse and worse, all the way to days end. I felt as if I were related to a character who played on the show F-Troop. (Remember Wrongo Starr?) There is one good bit of news to this story however. I was washing my truck a few days later and I noticed that the windshield had no damage after all. Imagine that? Could my luck be changing? OPPS!!! Yep.....that's another one of those dangerous questions..............
Hello world!! Yea, that's right, I'm back. I didn't fall off the face of the earth yet. I have been so busy lately and have had no time to post anything new. Unfortunately; I'm having a great deal of trouble figuring out how to post pictures on here as well..... I am bound and determined to accomplish this task even if it kills me!!!!!! I guess it's just going to take a little " trial and error" and a little help from my comp saavy friends. lol Anyway, what I'd like to talk about today is MUSIC.......(my one true love) All music, all the time. I mean really, it's kinda sorta-for lack of a better term--ANAL! I am really caught up in the rapture, when it comes to this spectrum. It's so bad that, when I'm at work I am either listening to the radio[while working] or thinking of some kind of ditty rhythmn. In one way or another, music is always on my mind and in my soul. I suppose i can attribute most of my feelings for music toward being raised around lots and lots of music. My father was a musician. I really should have chosen to be in this profession in some form or another. Sometimes, well at least once a day, i get a song in my head and i can't for the life of me stop thinking about it. I will literally hum or sing a particular tune ( in my head) over and over .....all day long. Does this ever happen to any of you????? A prime example: Today, I got to work and got into my normal routine and there it was; CLOCKS by the group called Coldplay. God, I love that song!!!!! I don't know what it is about it, can't put my finger on it, but it really sends chills down my spine everytime i hear it. It's a light year groove, for sure! Ha-Ha Guess i'm just a spaced out weirdo huh? I'll tell ya something i really trivia. Not that i know much, very little compared to people i've spoken with over the years, but the knowledge is endless. It gives you the chance to learn so many little things about bands that you always wanted to know or never even thought about. Little facts and tidbits of info; Amazing.............. I can remember when MTV first came on the air. It was such a big deal back then. Correct me if i am wrong, but i believe it was in 1982 or maybe 1981 and the very first video was by a group called "The Buggles" with a song/video called"Video killed the radio star" It was such a thrill back then. lol The strangest part for me and my mother(deceased now rest her soul) was that we already had experienced music videos prior to MTV. My mom would turn the stereo on full blast and put on (my age really shows now) The Midnight Special or Don Kirshner's Rock Concert or any tv show and watch and listen to the music in stereo....GEE, what a concept!!!! Viola! The birth of music videos. Yea, those were some fun times, back in the day. If anyone can relate to anything on this post, please let me know. I'd love to hear your interests. Well, that's about all i've got tonight, hopefully I'll have more time to post more often. Have a good one! PEACE****