It's that time again. GOBBLE GOBBLE.....
Does anyone have any special plans for the The Thanksgiving holiday? I normally cook a large feast but this year, I'm just gonna go for something small. I'll have a turkey but it's not going to be very big. ( 10lbs. ) I'm also going to have a small boneless ham. I already have it and it's just the cutest little thing ! It looks just like a little football. lol It's just enough though. I don't need to have tons and tons of food 'cause that just tends to make me eat more and also, it ends up being wasted.
I'm still struggling with my weight issue but I also realize that this time of year is the absolute hardest time to lose weight. I'm not doing too bad but I could be doing a lot better too. I've recently received a renewal notice from Bally's Total Fitness gym and it's not too bad a price. Right now, they're offering me a yearly membership of $98.00. - which is really pretty cheap ! I'm debating on taking that or waiting for the next notice which should be even cheaper ! I remember one time, they sent a notice for only $78.00 per year. That's the one I'd like. Guess I'll be holding out a bit longer.....or not. I really should just go ahead and join now because as soon as the holidays are over, the gyms will be extremely crowded. Right now, I'd have free reign and be able to use any machines I want without having to wait while someone is in the middle of doing their sets. Decisions, decisions...
Anyway, I hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving ! And are what you eat.....Enjoy !