Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thirsty anyone???

I hope this doesn't turn into a normal occurrence for me. I've had yet another nightmare. This time it was about vampires. I can remember when I was a little girl and how fearful I was when it came to those blood sucking creatures. There was a show called The Night Stalker that came on around 9pm one night a week and it was on that show that I was first introduced to the demons of the night. My mom told me that when she checked in on me that night that I'd had my covers wrapped so tightly around my neck she thought I was going to choke myself to death. lol

Anyway, the other night I had this nightmare that I was on some remote island somewhere. There was this huge cave that was like a round  ball shape made of rock. There was a very large hole in the top of it which is where you would enter and exit the cave.
I remember seeing a little girl who I'm now assuming was me although she didn't look like me but I guess she represented me. This little girl was screaming and crying as she was being chased by this male vampire who happened to be, ( are you ready for this) Adam Ant! Yeah, that singer from the 80's. HA!!

The really weird part about this nightmare was that the little girl had an aluminum pan with raw chicken thighs that she carried the whole time throughout her chase. And she spilled one or two thighs as she was running which the vampire picked up and begin eating and once he tasted that raw chicken he really went into a feeding frenzy and became even more intense on catching her. The next thing I remember was this little girl being helped by a hand pulling her up and out of the cave as the vampire was clawing and trying to grab her little tennis shoes she was wearing. He couldn't come out of the cave as the dawn was upon them and would then burn him into cinders.
So I woke up at this point. The time was 1:25 AM.
I shook my head in disbelief and laid back down to go back to sleep. Guess what? As I fell back to sleep, the nightmare continued!!
It was the same island with the same castle and the same little girl with those raw chicken thighs again. WTF???

This time the poor child is being chased by a female vampire. And this time the vampire didn't seem to be or look like any kind of celebrity or person I've ever known or seen. It was odd running in a circular path in this cave. That's all I can remember now and of course I woke up once again but this time it was exactly and hour later. It was 2:25AM. Strange huh?...
And once again I'm a nervous wreck upon awakening with heart palpatations and fear and the turning on of all the lights in the house and Geez!!!
Needless to say my night was a very restless one.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sleeping with the Aliens

WOW! It's been a long time since I've been on here. I just wanted to share a weird nightmare I had about a week ago. It must have really freaked me out since I still remember it. 

I was laying on my back in this narrow cylinder with a rather huge upholstered pillow over me at the opening of the cylinder. Now mind you I had just recently had an MRI done in my real life so I guess that's why I was in the cylinder. Anyway, there were these aliens who looked just like human beings. Some Chinese dude was shooting this pellet gun at me and I could feel the pellets going into the pillow I held above my head and body. My hands jerked as the pellets were piercing the pillow.

Then the nightmare cuts to a part where I've obviously been captured and they have me on this stretcher or gurney. A Vietnamese woman has now joined the Chinese man. The woman says, " She not dead!" and the Chinese man says in a very annoying voice, " She's dead!" But the Vietnamese woman insists, " I said she not dead!!" So now the Chinese man decides to prove it to her by shooting the pellets directly into my feet. And lemme tell ya, it hurt like hell but there was no way I was gonna make the slightest move because I wanted them to think I was really dead. The Chinese man looked at the woman after he shot me in my feet and said, " See, she's dead. She will die."

I'm sure that the gurney still represented my last visit to the hospital for ex-rays and other tests. lol

So now, the nightmare cuts to a part where I am sitting in what appears to be a dental office chair. You know, like when you're going to get your teeth worked on and there sits none other than that wonderful Vietnamese woman looking straight at me. She reaches to her left an takes this one inch pinkish color cube into her hand. She then extends her arm out in front of my face and says, " Eat this!" I'm looking at this thing that seems to resemble a liv-a-snap treat for a dog and as she hands it to me I notice right away that the texture of it is like lava soap. It feels like a little square stone. She then says in a more stern voice, " Eat it! My daughter OD ed on 3 of these."  I must be looking at her like she has 3 heads at this point because she's really getting pissed at me. So, I stick it in my mouth and begin chewing and thinking all the while, " This bitch is crazy if she thinks I'm gonna eat this stuff. It'll kill me. " I begin to barf and she totally freaks out and passes me a waste basket to regurgitate in at which time I am able to spit that disgusting rough square piece of crap out of my mouth and into the trash.

Somehow I get away because the next part of the nightmare, I'm being chased by a Black man who just so happens to be the actor who played the president from that show called 24 with Keefer Sutherland in it. So I'm running to some elevators and he's getting closer as he chases me. I get onto the elevator and scramble my fingers on the buttons to get the doors to close and frantically push a button to take me down to the street level. The elevator starts to go downward but just as it begins to move down, the man on the outside of the elevator presses the button so the elevator begins going back up to pick him up. I have a coniption fit and begin frantically pushing the numbers to make the elevator go down as I mumble, " oh no he's gonna get me!" So that goes on back and forth maybe about 2 or 3 times and then, I wake up! My heart is racing a mile a minute and I'm still half asleep so I still think I'm being chased by aliens so I go around the entire house and turn all the lights on! Did I mention to you that the time is 4am? 
I finally wake up enough to figure out that I was just having a bad dream and start to calm down and get ready for work.  Man, I hate having nightmares. What's up with the aliens? And why weren't there any White, Mexican, Indian, or Italian aliens? Bizarre.....
